
More restrictive types: animal, architecture, astronomy, book, clothes, figurative corrugation, figurative modular, figurative single-sheet, figurative tessellation, flower, food, furniture, IT-related, landscape, leaf, living thing, other natural sciences, natural sciences, origami painting, other object, other organism, other plant, people, plant, religious, periodic figurative tessellation, tree, vehicle

Figurative (representational) models are those which represent some real-world object.

This page lists models of a single type. You might be interested in folding instructions instead.
Flapping Bird

Flapping Bird

This simple design is fun to fold, and the flapping action is often a “wow moment” for people folding it for the first time. The design is quite similar to t...

Origami Models from Fried Dough

Origami Models from Fried Dough

Several origami models folded from dough for traditional Polish angel wings, and fried: Twisted Bird Base Traditional Crane Square Twist

Crane from Fried Dough

Crane from Fried Dough

A traditional crane prepared the same way Polish angel wings are: folded from a thin sheet of dough and fried.

Monkey with a Knife

Monkey with a Knife

This model illustrates the Polish idiom małpa z brzytwą (literally: a monkey with a straight razor). It means a person given access to something powerful and...

Traditional Butterfly

Traditional Butterfly

Traditional origami butterfly, but folded cleanly so that no unnecessary creases are visible.

45² (45 Squared)

45² (45 Squared)

Keeping up my tradition of designing a special model for each new year, I came up with this one, called 45² (pronounced 45 squared). 2025 is a perfect square...

Vase Christmas Tree

Vase Christmas Tree

I noticed than when you stack several Geometric Vases 1.1 into each other, you get a very nice Christmas Tree. I topped out this one with a simple custom pie...

Geometric Vase 1.1

Geometric Vase 1.1

At CenterFold 2024, I taught my Geometric Vase. Jim Weir came up with a better way to lock the edges, resulting in the version of the model presented here. T...

Lotus (CFW 145)

Lotus (CFW 145)

This model demonstrates how hard classification of origami designs is, even based on a criterion as simple as the subject. The name Lotus suggests it’s a flo...

Row Boat

Row Boat

This simple origami boat has oarlocks and what looks like initial fragments of oars inside the hull.

Traditional Boat from Cheese Tray Paper

Traditional Boat from Cheese Tray Paper

This little paper boat is folded from a sheet of paper used as a tray inside a sliced cheese package. The paper seems to be coated with plastic, which makes ...

Geometric Vase

Geometric Vase

This model has a very nice folding sequence. It stays flat throughout almost all the steps, and is only popped into being 3D at the last moment. Proportions ...

Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness

The idea for this design had been in my head for several years before I finally folded it in August 2023. I’m not really happy about the execution, though.

Bull Head

Bull Head

A simple head of a bull, with color-change horns. Can be considered a variant of Buffalo Head.

Buffalo Head

Buffalo Head

A very simple model representing a buffalo’s head with curved horns. Bull Head is a variant.

Tea Tag Frog

Tea Tag Frog

A simple frog, based of the traditional jumping frog, and folded from a tea tag.

Traditional Crane from Wax Wrapper

Traditional Crane from Wax Wrapper

I folded this traditional crane from a wax wrapper (Polish: woskowijka). These are sheets of fabric soaked in beeswax, and advertised as a reusable, eco-frie...



A bullet in flight, penetrating a sheet of armor.

Baby Elephant

Baby Elephant

I folded this model in a workshop with the late Artur Biernacki at the 2016 convention of Polish Origami Society.

David (דוד)

David (דוד)

I designed and folded this model in mid-2023. Originally, I planned it as a typical figurative illustration of the story of David and Goliath, often found in...

Candy (CFW 289)

Candy (CFW 289)

A little-known area of Shuzo Fujimoto’s origami designs are his corrugations. He published several dozen designs, based both on square and triangle grid, lon...

MinBird II

MinBird II

Another attempt at making a minimalistic bird, this time from a full square, which allowed me to include a tail (MinBird I is folded from a square cut diagon...



A classic model by Thoki Yenn, folded by me, probably around 2017. DNA Replication is my variant of this design.

Heading into 2024

Heading into 2024

Per my personal tradition of designing a New Year’s model each year, here’s one for 2024. This is my first origami design folded from Dragon Hide paper (copp...

Pureland Ladybug

Pureland Ladybug

Compared to Ladybug 1.1, this one has a much less refined shape, and lacks any color change. However, it is much simpler to fold, being pureland, which means...

Cookie Cutter - Christmas Tree

Cookie Cutter - Christmas Tree

This is an example of how the simple cookie-cutter design can be generalized by varying each side’s length and angles independently, and even applying curved...

MinBird I

MinBird I

A minimalistic, almost abstract bird, folded from a square cut diagonally in half. Compare with MinBird II.

Cookie Cutter

Cookie Cutter

This simple model looks like a cookie cutter, and if made with some stiff enough material (thick metal foil perhaps), could probably actually be used as one....

Tea Tag Boat

Tea Tag Boat

Yet another way to fold your tea tag, this time producing a design similar to the traditional paper boat. Proportions are different (depending on those of th...

Frog Star

Frog Star

The outline of this star is made using the same technique as various Star a la Fujimoto variants. The decoration in the center is a tessellation molecule tha...



The complete set of seven Tetris pieces, recreated in origami using the business card cube module. Of the seven pieces, six require the same number of units ...

Java Duke

Java Duke

I got this nice viking-style Java Duke from the organizers of JavaZone. Quick origami sketch on the right. It was great to be here. Thank you!

Coffee Cup (CFW 200)

Coffee Cup (CFW 200)

This model is one of Fujimoto’s few figurative origami designs, but a very distinctive one. I really like it for its simplicity and elegance. Despite being a...



This design is derived from Star a la Fujimoto III. Central part is raised, and has a color change, just as many kinds of real daffodil. In this fold I think...

Crane (Window Blind Fabric)

Crane (Window Blind Fabric)

I folded this traditional crane in order to test a new folding material: fabric used for roller window blinds. Despite the fabric being quite thick, I was ab...

Tea tag Hedgehog

Tea tag Hedgehog

A one-fold hedgehog, part of my series of tea tag origami models. Design from 2019. Folding the tea tag is a good way of making your cup stand out from others.



In early 2023, I went back to an idea I had in 2016 to make a modular daisy out of bent modules, all connected in the center of the flower. My first attempt ...

Ladybug Box

Ladybug Box

This box is decorated with a ladybug, which is a tessellation molecule. I used the same molecule for a BBU tile variant to make a decorated cube. While the f...



This model is derived from my Star a la Fujimoto variants, which can be seen on the petals. I think for this model three-dimensional shaping with curled pet...

Hex Snake

Hex Snake

This snake is just a strip of paper that I cut off the side of an A4 sheet with a hex grid so that an integer even number of grid divisions was left on the r...



This elephant by Fumiaki Kawahata is very cute (I think I’ve seen it getting called Baby Elephant). I folded this one at a workshop given by Margret Bach dur...



I designed this origami tie in order to illustrate a point I’m going to make in a not yet published part of my series on origami classification. The point is...

Heart, Ladybug, and Mushroom on BBU Cube

Heart, Ladybug, and Mushroom on BBU Cube

This model is just a friendly reminder that almost any tessellation can be transformed into a BBU tile, and combined with other tiles to create 3D shapes wit...



A simple rabbit, designed by Taiko Niwa.

Terror from the Deep

Terror from the Deep

I slightly damaged a sheet I wanted to use for something else, so I thought I’d do some crumpling and created this claw. The name came by itself, but then I ...

Katniss (CFW 177)

Katniss (CFW 177)

This design by Shuzo Fujimoto represents a katniss flower (Japanese: おもだか, omodaka, also known as arrowhead in English). It falls somewhere halfway between a...

Trampling the Serpent

Trampling the Serpent

Wet-folded from an A4 rectangle of Koh-i-Noor Hardtmuth watercolor paper.

Box with Greek Cross and Squares IV

Box with Greek Cross and Squares IV

The tessellation molecule decorating this box is one of many similar patterns I designed after my visit to CfC conference in Zaragoza in February 2020. While...

100 Złoty Frog

100 Złoty Frog

Polish banknotes have 2:1 proportions, a square folded in half. This makes them good for adapting models folded from square paper. I came up with the idea of...

Origami in Shades of Gray

Origami in Shades of Gray

This is a collections of my origami tessellations that I framed and hung near the desk I use for folding. The models, all kept in neutral colors, are as foll...

Crane from RFID Chip

Crane from RFID Chip

In late 2016, I folded this traditional crane from an RFID chip identical to the one on which the crane is sitting. The sheet was very small, so this experim...

Winter Cap with Crane

Winter Cap with Crane

This winter hat features a crane on the forehead and color-change “fur” around the face. You can tie the side panels below the chin, ushanka-style, or leave ...



This design was inspired by the Polish poem Reduta Ordona (Ordon’s Redoubt) by Adam Mickiewicz, loosely based on events of the 1831 Russian assault on Warsaw.

Epiphany V

Epiphany V

This year’s model of the Star of Bethlehem for Epiphany is based on my Star of David I molecule. The model as a whole is very similar to Epiphany III, the di...

2023 in Maya Numerals

2023 in Maya Numerals

This origami tessellation represents the number 2023 using Maya numerals as 𝋥𝋡𝋣. This system is vigesimal (base 20) and individual digits are read top-to-bot...

120-Degree Boat

120-Degree Boat

This design is an analog of the traditional paper boat but folded from a hexagon. The 120° angle at the top of the sail results in a more slender boat than t...

Hinged Shamrock Box

Hinged Shamrock Box

This box, designed in late 2020, is decorated with a shamrock, and folded from a single square of Tant paper. In contrast to most of my box designs, in which...

Toilet Paper Snail 1.1

Toilet Paper Snail 1.1

A snail folded from a complete roll of toilet paper. This is version 1.1 — version 1.0 lacked the back part of the body extending beyond the shell. Adding it...

Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart

This model has been long in the making and is based on ideas of my Brain in a Vat from 2016 which in turn uses a technique I learned from Joanna Sobczyk the ...

Crane with Color Change (Left-Right)

Crane with Color Change (Left-Right)

This variant of the Traditional Crane adds a color change along the axis of symmetry. It’s a very simple change, based on blintzing, and I’m pretty certain I...



Last Friday (2022-08-19) I was folding with a bunch of friends and someone asked if I could fold a snail. I didn’t know any such model by heart, so I improvi...

Crown from Strip

Crown from Strip

This model is very simple, and you can probably easily reverse-engineer it even without much origami experience. Once the strip is folded into the zig-zag sh...

Apple (CFW 202)

Apple (CFW 202)

Shuzo Fujimoto’s Apple is one of his best-known designs. Though one of his relatively few figurative models, structurally it is deeply geometric, being based...

Coat of Arms of Mariupol

Coat of Arms of Mariupol

This is the coat of arms of the city of Mariupol where fierce fighting in the Azovstal iron works is currently taking place. It is not surprising for a port ...

Easter Egg

Easter Egg

Decorating Easter Eggs is a popular Easter tradition in Poland, Ukraine, and other Slavic countries. This one is folded from a single sheet of paper rather t...

Column of Flagellation

Column of Flagellation

Originally, this work was supposed to be a joke, and to get a punny title such as Vertebral Column or Ribbed Column. However, while I was working on it, my v...

In Ukrainian Steppe

In Ukrainian Steppe

The steppes of Ukraine with their endless open spaces, occasionally lined by kurgans, have long been considered a place full of mystery, mood, adventure, and...

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

This Shiba Inu dog by Makoto Yamaguchi is an example of a figurative model folded from two sheets, with one sheet being used for the head and tail and the ot...



A simple corrugated cornflower from a hexagon of Tant paper, 12×12×12 grid. I designed this model while on a bicycle tour in 2019 but first made a clean fold...

The Golden Gate of Kyiv

The Golden Gate of Kyiv

The Golden Gate of Kyiv (Золоті ворота) was the main gate of the city in the early middle ages. Today the city is under attack again. Origami tessellation f...



Happy 2022! This is my first fold of the year, and as usual I wanted it to be something related to the new year. Since 2022 has a rare symmetry when rendered...

Fortune Teller Christmas Tree

Fortune Teller Christmas Tree

You can assemble a simple Christmas tree from multiple Fortune Tellers (which you probably already know how to fold). Each Fortune Teller is smaller than the...

Traditional Jumping Frog

Traditional Jumping Frog

Jumping frog, one of my favorite traditional models, and an example of action origami.

Egg Cup II

Egg Cup II

This cup is a design derived from Lucky Star Box (Simplified) Variant B and the PreCP (Precrease Pattern) is the same. The paper used to form the star in the...

Python Logo II

Python Logo II

Another approach to designing an origami Python logo. This model is folded from two separate sheets, which allows the snakes to be different colors and have ...

Tea Tag Butterfly

Tea Tag Butterfly

A simple butterfly, folded from a tea tag. Folding the tea tag is a good way of making your cup stand out from others.

Caffeine (Springy Unit)

Caffeine (Springy Unit)

Revisiting my Springy Unit, a design from more than 10 years ago, I realized it would be perfect for folding models of hydrocarbon molecules and aromatic com...

Python Logo I

Python Logo I

When I published my origami Scala Logo a while ago, user slinkousart asked if I could design a Python logo as well. Turns out, I could, and I even designed t...

Monument to the Crane

Monument to the Crane

This is my design for a monument to the traditional origami crane. I envision it executed in grand size, standing on a public square or in front of an origam...

Hexagonal Honeycomb II (SBA-15)

Hexagonal Honeycomb II (SBA-15)

I designed this model for the cover illustration of my father’s book on nanoparticles. It represents the structure of SBA-15, a type of mesoporous silica. My...

San Francisco Bay

San Francisco Bay

A view of San Francisco Bay, folded from a single square of Satogami paper. This origami painting is not based on any singular image, but a compilation of mu...

Scala Logo II

Scala Logo II

This is my second approach to designing a Scala logo. With different colors, it could also be interpreted as Ericsson logo.



After a book with a face on the cover (called Biography), I designed a book with a Maltese Cross on the cover (aptly called Bible). This model’s design is ba...



This rocket is a very simple to fold model I designed for an astronomy-themed origami workshop. The rocket can stand on its own thanks to a “foot” which can ...



A simple model of the crescent moon, designed for an astronomy-themed origami workshop. Proportions can be varied to some degree, producing different phases ...

Butchers’ Guild Coat of Arms

Butchers’ Guild Coat of Arms

This model started out something completely different that what it ended up being. Originally, I planned to make a model of Lublin Castle, and started with t...



Another shaping variant of Ice Cream model, this time resembling a carrot. Using white+green color combination instead of orange+green will get you parsley i...

Shamrock Tessellation 1.1

Shamrock Tessellation 1.1

This is an improved version of my Shamrock Tessellation. It uses Flagstone Paneling technique in order to hide pleats, so that each shamrock is separated fro...

Ladybug 1.1

Ladybug 1.1

When Sara Adams prepared a videotutorial for my Ladybug, she came up with a few improvements which not only gave the model convenient reference points for fo...

Dollar Bill Hare

Dollar Bill Hare

This is one of my favorite origami animals: simple to fold, quite realistic but also a model with its own character.



The Pajarita (little bird in Spanish) is one of European traditional origami models, especially popular in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.

Traditional Crane

Traditional Crane

The traditional crane, often considered a symbol of origami. It is also probably the model most often referenced in metaorigami.



This kind of tripartite window was a popular motif in sacral architecture, found in many architectural styles, including Romanesque and Gothic.



A simple origami bed with color-change for the bedsheet. My design from late 2019.

Scala Logo I

Scala Logo I

Logo of Scala programming language in origami. Folded from a single 2:1 rectangle of Kami.

Clematis Tessellation

Clematis Tessellation

My idea behind this tessellation was designing something easy to learn for beginners but at the same to make it reasonably well looking. The models I have us...

Traditional Crane from book wrapping foil

Traditional Crane from book wrapping foil

I folded this crane as an experiment from Herlitz book wrapping foil, and to my surprise, it proved to be a rather nice folding material. Since the foil is a...

Shamrock Tessellation (simplified)

Shamrock Tessellation (simplified)

This is a simplified version of my Shamrock Tessellation. I have also designed some boxes that use the same molecule: Slightly Simplified Shamrock Box and Si...



This model took me longer than I expected, but better late than never, so: happy New Year 2021! This model uses a new tessellation molecule of mine which I h...

Christ Pantokrator

Christ Pantokrator

Christ Pantokrator, inspired by Byzantine icons. One sheet of Edokosome paper, just folding. Merry Christmas!

Edelweiss Box (variant A)

Edelweiss Box (variant A)

I derived this design from my Shamrock 1.1 Box. Just like the former, it can be tessellated. It is named after a rare flower which grows in the mountains.

Hedgehog from Sponge Cloth

Hedgehog from Sponge Cloth

Hedgehog, wet-folded from a household sponge cloth. Have a look at my review of this untypical folding material.

Tent-Like House

Tent-Like House

A simple house from my Building Block Units, designed for a workshop with architecture students.

Life-Size Desk Lamp

Life-Size Desk Lamp

This is a life-size fold of my desk lamp origami model. I cheated a little by putting a metal profile inside the post since the paper I used had too little s...



This origami book features a portrait on the front cover, so I called it Biography. The structure of the book is basically the same as in my Long Story Short...

Shamrock 1.1 Box (Refold)

Shamrock 1.1 Box (Refold)

A new fold of my Shamrock 1.1 Box — compared to the previous one, I managed to fold and shape the stem in a cleaner way. The shamrock can be tessellated.

White Collars

White Collars

Origami tessellation, single sheet of Satogami paper. Just folding: no cutting or glue.

Book with Diamond on Cover

Book with Diamond on Cover

Recently, I gave an Origami Connect workshop on my origami book model Long Story Short. Preparing for the workshop motivated me to revisit an idea which I ha...

Long Story Short (gray)

Long Story Short (gray)

On August 2nd, 2020, I’ll be teaching my origami book model, Long Story Short, in an online Origami Connect session, organized by OrigamiUSA.

Groom and Bride

Groom and Bride

Origami tessellation designed as a wedding gift. One sheet of white Elephant Hide paper, no cutting or glue.



I really like this triceratops design by Roman Diaz. Most dinosaur models, especially triceratops, are quite complex. This one, in contrast, is so simple you...



This origami torch is basically the same model as Ice Cream, just with different colors and shaping.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Ice cream, own design. This model can be folded from regular Kami, but I think it looks best when wet-folded from thick watercolor paper. Here, one side of t...

Crown of Thorns

Crown of Thorns

Crown of Thorns: modular origami from 8 units. Each unit is from an 8:1 rectangle of paper and all units can be precreased as a single square only to be cut ...

Entry to the Fjord

Entry to the Fjord

Together with In the Fjord, this is from my Norwegian fjord series of origami works. Folded from hand-made paper with oatmeal.



A simple, one-sided origami submarine I designed a while ago.

Fear Not

Fear Not

Fear not. Stay home. Be patient. 2 × origami eye, wet-folded from watercolor paper.



Doom Eternal is coming out tomorrow, so here’s an origami version of the cover art of the first Doom game from 1993. Origami from a single square sheet, no c...

Quake Logo

Quake Logo

Quake, released almost 25 years ago, was a major revolution in the first-person shooter genre. The first game of this type to represent reasonably realistic ...



Excalibur, the sword in the stone, from Arthurian legends. Origami folded from one sheet (Elephant Hide paper courtesy of Paula Versnick). Also compare my Tw...

Greek Cross Flagstone Tessellation

Greek Cross Flagstone Tessellation

This origami tessellation was inspired by a pavement pattern I noticed some time ago in my home city of Lublin, Poland, at the old cemetery and in the open-a...

Cottage 1.1

Cottage 1.1

This is an improved version of my origami Cottage, made from Building Block Units.

Egg Cup

Egg Cup

This very simple model is folded from an equilateral triangle, and based on a pattern which corresponds to the hypar but on a triangle grid. You can use this...

In the Fjord

In the Fjord

View into a Norwegian fjord, folded from a sheet of hand-made paper.

Epiphany IV

Epiphany IV

This rendition of the Star of Bethlehem is based on the same general idea as Epiphany III, but made to better resemble an actual comet. It features a double ...



Happy New Year 2020! Here’s an origami tessellation with the number 2020, folded from a 2:1 rectangle of Satogami paper.

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the ending. The first and the last. Origami wet-folded from a strip of watercolor paper.

Ad Astra

Ad Astra

I prepared this composition as decoration for the room where I would be holding origami workshops related to my exhibition at Olsztyn Planetarium. During the...

Wet-folded Eye

Wet-folded Eye

I designed this model for my origami workshops in order to be able to teach wet folding to complete beginners. It is also an example of origami folded withou...



This origami crucifix is modeled after icon crosses found in Byzantine art, but also present in other styles up to this day. A matching model for All Saints’...



The sinking of Titanic, in origami.



This is another model I designed for a workshop about contemporary origami, with the aim of demonstrating some techniques used in modern origami design while...

Tea Tag Airplane

Tea Tag Airplane

Traditional origami airplane, a part of my series of tea tag origami models. Folding the tea tag is a good way of making your cup stand out from others.

JavaZone Logo

JavaZone Logo

Folding origami during a break at JavaZone 2019 after an interesting talk about JVM performance tuning by Chris Thalinger.



I designed this model especially for the workshop which accompanied my presentation about contemporary origami at the Embassy of Japan in Poland. While rathe...

Two Swords / Dwa Miecze

Two Swords / Dwa Miecze

Model ten zaprojektowałem po niedawnej wizycie na polu Bitwy pod Grunwaldem. Origami z jednego arkusza papieru, bez cięcia i klejenia. Siatka 48×48. Pojedyn...

Frank’s Bow Tie (as I would fold it)

Frank’s Bow Tie (as I would fold it)

Another fold of Frank’s Bow Tie, this time in my usual style (thick paper, as few grid lines visible as is practical). The link contains more information abo...

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Making a tessellation representing boats on the sea had been on my mind for quite some time when I finally came up with this design. It represents not just a...

Spider’s Web

Spider’s Web

Ben Goldberger is an interesting origami artist from Israel whom I had the opportunity to meet at CDO Convention 2018. You should definitely check out his wo...



Oriol Esteve taught this fun model of his during one of Origami Connect classes.

Shamrock 1.1 Box

Shamrock 1.1 Box

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, here is a new version of my Shamrock Box (previous versions: 1.0 and two simplified variants). Current version was design...

One Hand Washes the Other

One Hand Washes the Other

I got the idea for this model after a workshop with João Charrua at last year’s CDO convention. The structure of an individual hand is taken directly from on...

The Little Prince and the Fox

The Little Prince and the Fox

Le Petit Prince, designed by Viviane Berty, and Fox Baby, designed by Daniel Chang. Folded and arranged by me.

Still Life with Epiphany III

Still Life with Epiphany III

Another attempt at folding the subject of Star of Bethlehem, this time using the Lucky Star molecule (invented independently with Fujimoto, Haligami and many...



I haven’t had time to prepare any current-year-related model this year, so here’s an older model of a completely different kind: a simple ladybug with color ...

Christmas Tree 2018

Christmas Tree 2018

Unintuitive as it may seem, this tessellated Christmas Tree was born as a modification of a shooting star model, Epiphany III. The molecule used for creating...

Unripe Sunflower Tessellation

Unripe Sunflower Tessellation

This is a modification of my Sunflower Tessellation. The molecules (“sunflower seeds”) are flatter and the petals are shorter. The back side is also more int...

Three Ancient Pyramids

Three Ancient Pyramids

A simple origami corrugation, folded from Canford paper. With the right choice of proportions, this corrugation can be made iso-area.

Sunflower Tessellation (Refold)

Sunflower Tessellation (Refold)

It took me 1½ years before I decided to fold my Sunflower Tessellation once again, this time from rare yellow Elephant Hide paper. I think this is a better ...

Sad Octagons

Sad Octagons

This model uses a technique I came up with recently, which makes it possible to double the number of sides of any regular polygon when it is used as the cent...

Crane with Colored Wings

Crane with Colored Wings

This is a variation of the traditional origami crane which I recently designed: there is a color change giving the wings a different color than the body. I h...

Big Paper Boat

Big Paper Boat

A large paper boat (1.5 m long), folded to test the feasibility for origami of thick double-layer corrugated board (see blog post for details).

Fat Penguin

Fat Penguin

Once in a while, I design something other than a tessellation or a box. This geometric penguin model came about during Outdoor Origami Meeting as I was playi...

Box with Leaves (tip-to-tip, 32 divisions)

Box with Leaves (tip-to-tip, 32 divisions)

A fold of my Box with Leaves (tip-to-tip) where the leaves were folded using a 32-division pleat instead of the usual 16 divisions. I taught this model at Ou...

Elephants in Love

Elephants in Love

I designed this model, based on my Simple Elephant, for the wedding of two origami friends, Marcin and Natalia. Folded from a single 5:1 strip of red-gold Wa...

Nuclear Mushroom Cloud

Nuclear Mushroom Cloud

This is what happens when you execute an origami crumpling technique such as those mastered by Vincent Floderer but instead of thin and crisp paper, use thic...

Latin Cross Tessellation

Latin Cross Tessellation

An origami tessellation for Good Friday. The basic structure of the Latin cross is based on Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea and could easily be modified to have d...



An origami mansion, folded using several variants of my Building Block Units (BBU). I re-used many of the modules which were earlier used for The Tower of Ba...

Houstonia Box

Houstonia Box

This origami box represents a flower of the genus Houstonia, also known as bluets or Quaker Ladies. Some species, in particular Houstonia Caerulea have four ...



An origami Crown (my own design), pictured sitting on top of a pomelo fruit. The crown is folded from a long strip of Gampi paper which was left over when I ...

Kotlinconf Logo

Kotlinconf Logo

This model represents the logo of KotlinConf, a conference dedicated to Kotlin programming language.

Epiphany Tessellation

Epiphany Tessellation

An origami tessellation for the Feast of Epiphany. Single sheet of Gampi paper, no cutting or glue. Wet folding was used for the coma of the Stars of Bethleh...

Happy 2018!

Happy 2018!

Happy New Year 2018! This is the first fold of my recent idea for making pixel tessellations, called Butterfly Pixel Tessellation. The molecule is basically ...



Nativity — origami tessellation folded from a single square of Tant paper. Merry Christmas!

Chess Knight

Chess Knight

A recent origami design of mine — chess knight with a corrugation-based mane.

Celtic Cross 1.1

Celtic Cross 1.1

An improved version of my Celtic Cross. Based on standing crosses found throughout the British Isles.

Trilithon I

Trilithon I

An origami Trilithon based on those found at Stonehenge. The model is numbered I since I also designed some other variants with different proportions and one...

DNA Replication

DNA Replication

My modification of Thoki Yenn’s DNA model. Folded from a long strip (1:8 or so) of metallic paper.



I folded this model in order to test what folding origami from felt would be like, and I summarized my impressions in a separate blog post.

Shamrock Box (Slightly Simplified)

Shamrock Box (Slightly Simplified)

Here is a slightly simplified version of my Shamrock Box. The original was based on a molecule which can easily be tessellated. However, with a single molecu...

Shamrock Box (Simplified)

Shamrock Box (Simplified)

Here is a fully simplified version of my Shamrock Box. The original was based on a molecule which can easily be tessellated. However, with a single molecule ...

Simplified Shamrock Box Variants

Simplified Shamrock Box Variants

This picture shows a comparison of two variants of Simplified Shamrock Box: Simplified Shamrock Box (on the left) Slightly Simplified Shamrock Box (on the ri...

Simple Corrugated Vase

Simple Corrugated Vase

A very simple corrugated vase (just the walls: it doesn’t have a bottom). Looking inside, you see shape resembling the sun.

Kotlin Logo

Kotlin Logo

Kotlin is a programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is gaining in popularity. Having used it for some time, I’m quite happy about the r...

Box with Leaves (stem-to-stem)

Box with Leaves (stem-to-stem)

An origami box with leaves, with the leaves’ stems in the center, based on an earlier coaster design. There is also a variant with leaves oriented tip-to-tip.

Box with Leaves (tip-to-tip)

Box with Leaves (tip-to-tip)

A box with leaves based on this coaster. There is a color change between the walls and the leaves, though a variant using the same side of paper for both is ...

Origami Coaster with Leaves (Stem-to-Stem)

Origami Coaster with Leaves (Stem-to-Stem)

After folding the first coaster with leaves, I wanted to try rotating the leaves so that in the center they touch stem-to-stem rather than tip-to-tip. This i...

Coaster with Leaves (Tip-to-Tip)

Coaster with Leaves (Tip-to-Tip)

An origami coaster with a pattern of leaves. After designing, I found out others had done the same before, for example you can check out this picture [update...



This is what one of the stages of collapsing my Big and Small Squares Tessellation looks like. I couldn’t help but think of a thermos bottle. The extra textu...

Body and Blood

Body and Blood

An origami tessellation for Maundy Thursday and Easter.

Shamrock Box

Shamrock Box

Box with a single molecule of my Shamrock Tessellation. Folded from 16×16 grid, of which the molecule consumes 12×12.

No-Fold Stegosaurus

No-Fold Stegosaurus

It’s been more than 20 years since Joseph Wu designed his one-fold stegosaurus. Now, with the recent advancements in minimalistic origami and computer-aided ...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, here’s a tessellation with a beer tankard and shamrocks. Each of these molecules can also be tessellated independently of the...

Shamrock Tessellation

Shamrock Tessellation

I was inspired by this model by Matthew Green to also design a model for St. Patrick’s Day. A bigger model is coming up, which I hope to finish on time, but ...

Simple Elephant

Simple Elephant

A simple elephant seen from the front, folded from a square. This is basically the same design as the business card holder and Elephant Bookmark. A minimalis...



This is a minimalistic version of my Sunflower Tessellation, folded from a 16×16 grid. It consists of just a single molecule surrounded by petals, and thus c...

Sunflower Tessellation

Sunflower Tessellation

My new tessellation design, folded from a single sheet of Tant paper.

Scroll of Time: 2017

Scroll of Time: 2017

I wanted to try something new this year, so I folded this model from thin parchment paper whereas most of the time I use much thicker papers. Modern parchmen...



See also the Penguin Attack composition which uses this model.

Penguin Attack

Penguin Attack

A giant penguin (designed by Blanka Pentela (Blunek) ascending King-Kong style the Palace of Culture and Science. This 250 m tall building was erected in War...

Palace of Culture

Palace of Culture

The Palace of Culture and Science (Pałac Kultury i Nauki) is a 250 m tall building which was erected in Warsaw in the 1950’s as a sign of Soviet domination. ...

Celtic Cross

Celtic Cross

This free-standing cross was inspired by high crosses — stone monuments erected throughout the Middle Ages in Ireland and Britain.

Mesos Logo (Cube-Hexagon Illusion)

Mesos Logo (Cube-Hexagon Illusion)

This is the logo of Apache Mesos (cluster management software) rendered in origami. A colleague at work suggested I try designing this object in origami afte...

Elephant-Shaped Business Card Holder

Elephant-Shaped Business Card Holder

A simple business card holder in the form of an elephant I recently designed. With minor modification it can be folded from a square (a rectangle was used he...

Elephant Bookmark

Elephant Bookmark

An origami bookmark (two pieces folded from different papers) featuring an elephant motif. Other animals’ heads can be designed in a similar fashion. This mo...

TensorFlow Logo

TensorFlow Logo

This is a real-life rendition of the TensorFlow logo in origami, using the Business Card Cube Unit.

The Cliff

The Cliff

Origami corrugation, based on an asymmetric zig-zag pattern (actually I folded this model using exactly the same sheet of paper).

Genie in the Bottle

Genie in the Bottle

A genie (not to be confused with gin) is a kind of_spirit_ which tends to live in old magical lamps and bottles. Wet-folded from a rectangle of watercolor pa...



A tessellation which fills the plane with cute little hedgehogs. Hedgehog design is a modified version of Pureland Hedgehog by Sebastien Limet. Folded from c...

At the Mountains of Madness

At the Mountains of Madness

A free-form origami corrugation folded from a strip of Jet Black Canford Paper. Named after a novella by H.P. Lovecraft. The crooked lines also somewhat rese...

Taipei 101

Taipei 101

Modular origami rendition of Taipei 101, one of the world’s tallest buildings. I thought reproducing this structure’s characteristic staggered facade in orig...

Professor Mmaa

Professor Mmaa

Professor Mmaa’s lecture is a novel by Polish-English writer Stefan Themerson in which termites try to understand the human society which is so different fro...

Toilet Paper Hedgehog

Toilet Paper Hedgehog

Pureland Hedgehog, designed by Sebastien Limet and modified by me for folding from the loose end of a toilet paper roll.

Vase Corrugation

Vase Corrugation

Origami corrugation with an outline of a vase. The creases are all visible so there’s no need to even use a CP if you want to reproduce this pattern :)



Model designed on my plane back from UK which I visited just days after the Brexit vote. The British Flag itself can be used as a tessellation molecule and t...

Parrot Tulip Opening

Parrot Tulip Opening

A small tessellated version of Meenakshi Mukerji’s Tulip, originally designed as a modular origami unit. Tant paper with acrylic paint.

Picture Frame with Hedgehogs

Picture Frame with Hedgehogs

Origami picture frame with two little hedgehogs on the bottom bar. The frame is based on this design. The hedgehogs are a prototype of what later became Hedg...

Box with Shooting Star

Box with Shooting Star

I designed this box during the annual meeting of Polish Meteoritical Society (meteorites are one of my hobbies alongside origami).

Darth Vader Corrugation

Darth Vader Corrugation

This origami mask representing Darth Vader is also a corrugation at the same time (single layer of paper almost everywhere). Very simple: just make an 8×8 gr...

TensionPot Op. 695

TensionPot Op. 695

I folded this Tension Pot model during a workshop held by Robert J. Lang at 15th Origami Outdoor Meeting in Kraków, Poland. It’s an interesting shape that us...

BBU Doghouse

BBU Doghouse

Dog house designed by me using several modified variants of Building Block Units. All units (3 for the roof and 13 for the walls and entrance) made from squa...

I Walk the Line

I Walk the Line

Master Yoda — origami model designed by Artur Biernacki. Folded by me from a square of Tant-tissue paper sandwich.

A Pile of Books

A Pile of Books

Origami books of different shapes and sizes. The model used here is my Long Story Short, version 1.1 which has a slightly improved lock.

Doghouse for Yara Yagi’s Dachshund

Doghouse for Yara Yagi’s Dachshund

I like Yara Yagi’s Dachshund very much. I will be teaching this model at this year’s Outdoor Origami Meeting so I thought a nice dog like this deserved a mat...



The Dachshund (Perro Salchicha) is a very cute dog model I immediately liked when I first saw it. I also designed a doghouse in matching style.

Dachshund in Doghouse

Dachshund in Doghouse

Yara Yagi’s dog is standing in front of a doghouse designed be me specially to match this model.



Easter is coming so with fluffy bunnies and cute chickens aplenty, it’s good to also add this fish to the pack.

A Long Way Home

A Long Way Home

Origami mammoth, designed by Artur Biernacki. Folded by me from a square of Unryu-tissue paper sandwich.

Brain in a Vat

Brain in a Vat

A brain in a vat is a thought experiment related to consciousness and the perception of reality which has, in one form or another, interested people ranging ...

Epiphany II

Epiphany II

This is my second attempt at designing a Star of Bethlehem (which can also double as a regular comet). After designing it, I found online pictures of a simil...

Epiphany I

Epiphany I

Depending on context, this origami corrugation can be used as the Star of Bethlehem or just a standard comet. Designed and folded by me.

Fir Cone / Christmas Ornament

Fir Cone / Christmas Ornament

These fir cones make nice Christmas tree decorations. Designed by myself, they are based on the pleated part of Super Pineapple Tessellation.

Long Story Short

Long Story Short

This is my design for an origami book. It’s called “long story short” because you can make the book as long as you wish (any number of pages) and at the same...

Saturn (WSM)

Saturn (WSM)

Another Saturn-themed origami, this time a modular made from my Woven Slit Module (WSM). 10 units are used altogether: 6 for the orb, 3 for attaching the rin...

Saturn Tessellation

Saturn Tessellation

This tessellation is based on a 128×92 grid. Image is created from a four-sink-base tessellation by folding up some of the squares’ corners. While I’ve seen ...

Here, Kitty

Here, Kitty

Cat designed by Jose Anibal Voyer. Copy paper painted with acryl.

Head of Cthulhu

Head of Cthulhu

Head of Cthulhu from The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft. Designed and folded by me.

The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel

This rendition of the Tower of Babel consists of a series of square platforms placed one on top of another and rotated by 45 degrees at each level. This frac...

Dachshund Ouroboros

Dachshund Ouroboros

The ouroboros is an ancient symbol of infinity and self-reference. It is represented as a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. This one has assumed the for...

Crystal Structure of Gibbsite

Crystal Structure of Gibbsite

I designed this model as cover art for Surface Charging and Points of Zero Charge, a book by my father, Marek Kosmulski. It is a reference work in electro- a...

Sears Tower / Willis Tower

Sears Tower / Willis Tower

Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) is an iconic skyscraper located in Chicago. The origami model presented here is made from my Building Block Units (768 × ...

Hexagonal Honeycomb

Hexagonal Honeycomb

This structure can be extended indefinitely to fill the plane with a hexagonal pattern. By adding more layers it can also be expanded up and down.

Egyptian Pyramid

Egyptian Pyramid

This design can be extended indefinitely by adding more and more levels (a smaller, single-level variant is also possible). The walls are angled at 45 degree...



A very simple building without many details. I later improved the design while preserving its simplicity (see Cottage 1.1).



This model does not represent any actual church. Instead, it freely mixes elements typically found in small churches (rectangular floor plan without transept...

Bell Tower

Bell Tower

Inspired by traditional Polish wooden churches and the wooden belfry in Paczyna.

Small Table

Small Table

A Japanese style short-legged table. Have a look at the notes in description of meshed pyramid for a discussion of the relation between these two models.

Pyramid (6 levels high)

Pyramid (6 levels high)

This model consists of just a 2-cube thick hull of a pyramid. This makes it possible to create a larger model with fewer modules than in the case of a comple...

Meshed Pyramid (8 levels high)

Meshed Pyramid (8 levels high)

While it may not be obvious at first, this model has some features which make it strikingly similar to the business card table model. The table’s top is cons...

Life-Sized Chair

Life-Sized Chair

This model is the size of a real chair. Unfortunately, it can’t support enough weight to be sat in. The surface is not covered in additional, “paneling” unit...

Tux, the Linux penguin

Tux, the Linux penguin

Tux the penguin is a mascot of the Linux operating system. The logo was created by Larry Ewing () using The GIMP.

Steinhaus Puzzle

Steinhaus Puzzle

This puzzle, described in Hugo Steinhaus’ book Kalejdoskop matematyczny (Mathematical Snapshots, literally Mathematical Kaleidoscope) consists of six pieces,...