In Ukrainian Steppe

The steppes of Ukraine with their endless open spaces, occasionally lined by kurgans, have long been considered a place full of mystery, mood, adventure, and a symbol of unrestricted freedom for those brave enough to take to them. The colors blue and yellow which appear in such landscapes are also the colors of the flag of Ukraine. Ukrainian steppe was often depicted in poetry, in particular by Taras Shevchenko, the most famous Ukrainian poet, and by Polish poets of the Romanticism, including my favorite Juliusz Słowacki.
Today, Ukrainians are fighting in defense of their land against a terrible aggression. It is not only an attack on the people, but also on their culture. Works of art and monuments are being destroyed in order to undermine their national identity. Wherever you live, support Ukrainians through credible aid organizations, support their struggle, and press your government to do whatever it takes to stop this barbarism.