Workshop (Geometric Vase and Vase Christmas Tree) at Birmingham Mini-Meeting (Online)
Geometric Vase 1.1 Vase Christmas Tree This Sunday, February 23rd, at...
This category lists updates about my origami-related activities such as workshops I’m giving or taking part in conventions. There are 81 entries in this category.
Geometric Vase 1.1 Vase Christmas Tree This Sunday, February 23rd, at...
Butterfly for Eric Joisel (Michael G. LaFosse) I recently added a new social media channel: ...
A number of people have asked me lately about instructions for folding the Geometric Vase. I will have the pleasure to teach ...
OGE Origami Weekend 2025 banner, by Origami Groep Eindhoven It is my pleasure to invite you to OGE Weekend, the f...
Shuzo Fujimoto in front of his home in Sasayama, Japan, with (left to right) Seiji Nishikawa and Koichi Tateishi. Pictu...
Me and Natalia Guzowska in front of Halina Rościszewska’s exhibition. Picture by Alicja Mazur. ...
Me at CenterFold 2024, holding my Geometric Vase. Image by Kay Eng. My mode...
Me, holding a partially precreased sheet for folding Shamrock Tessellaton 1.1 It is my pleasure to let you know t...
My origami model display at PTO (Polish Origami Association) convention in Konin, 2024 Last weekend (July 19th-21...
Centerfold 2024 banner, by Ohio Paperfolders I’m happy to invite you to CenterFold 2024, where I will be one of t...
Hands holding Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea Since some folders have recently been asking me how to get permission to...
Discussion panel about preserving the legacy of origami creators at CfC. Left to right: Bodo Haag, Mitya Miller, Michał...
FoldFest 2024 banner, ©OrigamiUSA On Saturday, April 27, 2024, I will be speaking about Artificial Intelligence i...
Recently, I was contacted by Fuhyi Kuo, a conservator also interested in origami. She had learned from someone who attended t...
Workshop poster (by Origami Groep Eindhoven): Translucent Design, CFW 58, designed by Shuzo Fujimoto, taught by me ...
Shuzo Fujimoto (sitting) with editors of his books for Project F, standing from left to right: Taiko Niwa, Satoko Saito...
I’m looking for help with understanding the above fragment from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Twist Origami 1 book, page 8. You can view the complete page and the complet...
Each year at Allegro, where I work, we organize an internal IT conference called ATM (Allegro Tech Meeting). Apart from lots of interesting presentations, th...
On July 13th-16th, I attended the origami convention of Polish Origami Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Origami, PTO) in Łódź...
A sample of models designed and folded by Shuzo Fujimoto I received from Roberto Morassi I only mentioned them in...
Leftovers of a graffiti with origami cranes in Kraków’s Zabłocie district This year’s Plener Origami (Outdoor Ori...
As special guest of this year’s German Origami Convention, I was interviewed for German Origami Society’s magazine, Der Falte...
German Origami Convention 2023 in Erkner near Berlin was the first origami event I’ve attended live since three years. It was...
Less than two weeks are left till the German Origami Convention, so I spent the last evening folding some larger-than-usual m...
My workshops at Plener Origami (Outdoor Origami Meeting) 2023; graphic design by Natalia Guzowska What a year! I’...
Question Mark (Michał Kosmulski) Are there any models of mine you would particularly enjoy folding in a workshop?...
Origami Deutschland Jahrestreffen 2023 banner. Images: Christine Blasek, Leyla Torres, Michał Kosmulski, Design: blau D...
This year, Origami USA chose Ladybug 1.1 (designed by me and modified by Sara Adams) for thei...
Shuzo Fujimoto teaching at the Italian Origami Convention on 1988-11-01. Image from NOA magazine 166 (1989), received c...
Shuzo Fujimoto’s five self-published books: Solid Origami, Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami, and Twist Origa...
Shuzo Fujimoto online event banner, images by Ilan Garibi, Michał Kosmulski and Robert Lang On Saturday, October ...
Me, precreasing Ridges Corrugation (32×32) in early 2018 I’ve been doing lots of origami lately, but very little ...
Orifold Creasing Together 2022 poster (by Origami Oritai) This Saturday, June 11th 2022, I will be teaching my So...
Looking at Fujimoto’s Daffodil I recently posted, you may have noticed that I added “CFW 100” to the model’s name. CFW stands...
OBB Competition banner (artwork by Boice Wong) It is my pleasure to let you know that I will be one of the judges...
On February 9th, 2022, I had the pleasure of teaching my Two Hearts model at a Valentine’s Day special origazoom meeting orga...
GOC1 workshop poster, by GOC1 organizers, based on image provided by me Next Saturday, January 29th, 2022 at 19:0...
Blazing Propellers workshop poster, by Origami Indonesia, with pictures provided by me ...
Christmas Special workshop poster, by Origami Groep Eindhoven, with pictures provided by me On December 19th, 202...
Whirlwind Box, folded from full grid Whirlwind Box, folded without the grid...
Shifted Bricks Me, with Shifted Bricks model — promotional material for the...
Yesterday (2021-10-09), I gave a workshop during the Online Origamitag organized by Origami Deutschland. For a change, this t...
Last Saturday (September 18th, 2021), I had the pleasure of giving a workshop for Lehigh Valley Origami Enthusiasts (LVOE) gr...
Nanocząstki i nanotechnologie, czyli stary towar w nowym opakowaniu, Marek Kosmulski, 2021 Niedawno ukazał się po...
OrigamiUSA space withing Gather, recreating the physical location in which the convention usually took place Duri...
I’ll be attending the online OrigamiUSA Convention 2021 on June 25th–29th and teaching one of my models, Lucky Star Box (Simp...
Workshop poster, by Origami Mitra Screenshot from the meeting, by Origami M...
After some back and forth, Centerfold 2021 was reactivated and is scheduled for July 30th to August 1st. While I won’t be abl...
Until May 31st, 2021, you can nominate candidates for this year’s Joisel Award. If you noticed any outstanding origami this y...
Centerfold homepage with the information I was sad to learn that Centerfold 2021, where I was supposed to be one ...
On April 10th, 2021, I had the opportunity to give a workshop at BOS Virtual Convention Spring 2021. The main subject was my Box with Woven Triangles V but s...
Origami Deutschland organized an event called Frühlingsfalten (Spring Folding) on March 20th, 2021, and I was happy to give a workshop there. We folded two m...
Tomorrow, on December 29th, 2020, I will be giving a workshop for Origami Group Eindhoven. I will teach my Box with Woven Tri...
I will be teaching my Shamrock 1.1 Box in less than two weeks during the World Origami Days event organized by OrigamiUSA. Wh...
Six Simple Twists (second edition), by Benjamin ParkerBook cover © CRC Press The long-awaited second edition of B...
Origami World Marathon official poster World Origami Marathon is coming up this weekend, August 22-23, 2020. See ...
WOM poster for my workshop If you want to learn how to fold my Box with Woven Triangles III, join me for the Worl...
On August 2nd, 2020, I’ll be teaching my origami book model, Long Story Short, in an online O...
At CfC (Conference for Creators) 2 which took place in Zaragoza, Spain, in 2020, I gave a presentation titled Designing precr...
Wystawa origami w Olsztyńskim Planetarium | Origami Exhibition at Olsztyn Planetarium |
Do końca stycznia 2020 trwa wystawa moich modeli origami w Olsztyńskim Planetarium (OPiOA). Prezentowane prace to ponad 80 te...
Już 7.12.2019 Kosmiczne Mikołajki w Olsztyńskim Planetarium, a w programie wystawa moich prac origami, prezentacja „Wsp...
I gave an interview to The Fold, OrigamiUSA’s online magazine (no membership required for access). As a bonus, it includes fo...
My table at this year’s Ultimate Origami Convention. You can find here some models I’ve already published online along with s...
Wspólnie z Ambasadą Japonii w Polsce zapraszam na prezentację p.t. „Współczesne origami” oraz towarzyszące jej warsztaty, pod...
This is my display at 18th Outdoor Origami Meeting (Plener Origami) 2019 in Kraków, Poland. It was great to be there and fold...
Origami Tessellations for Everyone, by Ilan GaribiBook cover © Ilan Garibi Ilan Garibi just published his book, O...
These are my origami models displayed at CDO Convention 2018 in Pisa/Tirrenia. This was my first time at the Italian conventi...
On October 24th, 2018, during World Origami Days, I made a brief appearance on the TV show Pytanie na Śniadanie, talking abou...
My exhibition at 17th Outdoor Origami Meeting (Plener Origami) in Kraków, Poland. Despite a relatively short time between the...
My display at the German Origami Convention 2018 in Erkner, Germany. As always, it was a wonderful time and I had the opportu...
My display table during 16th Outdoor Origami Meeting (Plener Origami) in Kraków. The school which kindly hosts the convention...
My exhibit at Origami Deutschland convention in Bonn, Germany. Unfortunately, the space for model display was very limited, s...
This is my model exhibition at BOS50, the 50th Anniversary Convention of British Origami Society, which took place in Stratfo...
Twists, Tilings, and Tessellations: Mathematical Methods for Geometric Origami, by Robert J. LangBook cover © CRC Press...
OrigamiUSA published my report from the 12th origami convention of Polish Origami Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Origami, PTO),...
My exhibition at this year’s convention of Polish Origami Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Origami, PTO) which took place in Wars...
This heap of new origami designs is waiting on my table until I can make clean folds and document them properly. Unfortunatel...
My exhibition at 15th Outdoor Origami Meeting (Plener Origami) in Kraków, Poland. This year’s guest of honor was Robert J. La...
A report from 15th Outdoor Origami Meeting (Plener Origami), an international origami convention held in Kraków, Poland, was ...
My article, Introducing Building Block Units, was published in The Fold. This text describes my Building Block Units (BBUs) a...
Surface Charging and Points of Zero Charge, Marek Kosmulski, 2009 This is the cover of Surface Charging and Point...