Folding Big Models for Workshops

Less than two weeks are left till the German Origami Convention, so I spent the last evening folding some larger-than-usual models that I will use during my workshops. Can you recognize the model I’m folding (there are hints in the picture)?
While not suitable for normal folding due to its thickness (200 gsm), I used Fabriano Colore paper for these large demonstration models. Folding at this size and from thick paper is even physically demanding, and for such situations I use the tougher bone folder made from bone rather than the teflon one I normally prefer. Unsurprisingly, this paper is pretty stiff, which makes the collapse relatively easy despite the model’s unpractical size. A downside is that at the same time is has poor memory, so arranging the precreased lines into the correct parity before collapsing was harder than with more standard papers. Overall, it’s a good approximation of rigid folding: stiff where it was not creased and moving loosely where creased. Despite the thickness, this paper doesn’t seem strong: even with a relatively simple precrease like this, some crease intersections felt like they could start tearing easily. Anyway, this is not a paper top use for normal models, but for folding a 12-grid-based model from a 50 cm sheet, it was just right, and gave the model the rigidity required to keep its shape at this size.
And if you haven’t had enough folding yet, remember that registration for Plener Origami, where I will be a special guest just as at the German Convention, is still open.