Models whose dominant colors are black or other very dark colors.
Browse origami model pictures by dominant color. A picture may be listed under more than one color if a model has several major colors or if there is more than one model in a picture.
Models whose dominant colors are black or other very dark colors.
Pictures of models whose main color is a shade of blue, navy or indigo.
Pictures of models whose main colors include a shade of brown, beige or other earth tones.
Models whose primary color is a shade of gray (grey) or silver.
Pictures of models where one of the major colors is a shade of green.
This page lists models which do not have a dominant color. Many of them are multi-colored modulars.
Pictures of models colored orange.
Models whose dominant colors include different shades of purple and pink or intermediate colors such as magenta.
Models whose dominant colors include different shades red, scarlet, crimson, etc.
Some folding materials such as plastic foil can be completely or partially transparent.
Pictures of models whose main colors include white, off-white, ivory, and so on.
Pictures of models colored yellow or gold.