Thorn Fractal (no mirroring)
I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing ...
Models whose primary color is a shade of gray (grey) or silver.
I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing ...
This design was inspired by ceramic tiles I saw at a store. I found their shape, consisting of a square with a smaller square cut away, interesting. It remin...
It took me about five years after folding the Woven Square Box to fold a tessellation with multiple molecules used on the box. This model differs from Square...
This star by Shuzo Fujimoto is one of his simple hex twist modifications that are also used as building blocks of his more complex designs. I find this one v...
This is an example of how the simple cookie-cutter design can be generalized by varying each side’s length and angles independently, and even applying curved...
Yet another way to fold your tea tag, this time producing a design similar to the traditional paper boat. Proportions are different (depending on those of th...
This star by Shuzo Fujimoto uses the same rays as his Handle (CFW 133) but the tessellation molecule is that of Hemp Leaf (CFW 88), same as independently cre...
I think this is the last star from my 2019 modular star craze that I haven’t published before.
This star looks similar to Daffodil (CFW 100) but incorporates a color change created by folding the corners of the hexagon inside as the initial step.
I folded this traditional crane in order to test a new folding material: fabric used for roller window blinds. Despite the fabric being quite thick, I was ab...
Happy Easter!
This is a collections of my origami tessellations that I framed and hung near the desk I use for folding. The models, all kept in neutral colors, are as foll...
This model has been long in the making and is based on ideas of my Brain in a Vat from 2016 which in turn uses a technique I learned from Joanna Sobczyk the ...
One of the classic tessellations from a hex grid, first published by Shuzo Fujimoto. It uses molecules of two types, hex and triangle twists, and understandi...
This is the coat of arms of the city of Mariupol where fierce fighting in the Azovstal iron works is currently taking place. It is not surprising for a port ...
When you fold variants of my Lucky Star Box, you can extend the star to its fractal form. This particular variant emerges when you apply that procedure to th...
This ring uses a set of simple pleats for its jewel. This technique, somewhat similar to Goran Konjevod’s, made me think of Art Deco style, hence the name. T...
A simple butterfly, folded from a tea tag. Folding the tea tag is a good way of making your cup stand out from others.
After a book with a face on the cover (called Biography), I designed a book with a Maltese Cross on the cover (aptly called Bible). This model’s design is ba...
A simple model of the crescent moon, designed for an astronomy-themed origami workshop. Proportions can be varied to some degree, producing different phases ...
This model started out something completely different that what it ended up being. Originally, I planned to make a model of Lublin Castle, and started with t...
This model took me longer than I expected, but better late than never, so: happy New Year 2021! This model uses a new tessellation molecule of mine which I h...
I derived this design from my Shamrock 1.1 Box. Just like the former, it can be tessellated. It is named after a rare flower which grows in the mountains.
Wolf Medallion from The Witcher series. Folded from a hexagon of metallic paper.
Woven Triangles Tessellation III, the symmetric layout with molecules of two different chiralities.
This origami book features a portrait on the front cover, so I called it Biography. The structure of the book is basically the same as in my Long Story Short...
Recently, I gave an Origami Connect workshop on my origami book model Long Story Short. Preparing for the workshop motivated me to revisit an idea which I ha...
On August 2nd, 2020, I’ll be teaching my origami book model, Long Story Short, in an online Origami Connect session, organized by OrigamiUSA.
I prepared this composition as decoration for the room where I would be holding origami workshops related to my exhibition at Olsztyn Planetarium. During the...
Modular origami stars are quite addictive: I set out to create just one simple model for a workshop and before I knew it, I had about a dozen different desig...
Model ten zaprojektowałem po niedawnej wizycie na polu Bitwy pod Grunwaldem. Origami z jednego arkusza papieru, bez cięcia i klejenia. Siatka 48×48. Pojedyn...
This is a tessellation of the Lucky Star Fractal. The standalone star was designed independently by several people, starting with Shuzo Fujimoto. I don’t kno...
Unintuitive as it may seem, this tessellated Christmas Tree was born as a modification of a shooting star model, Epiphany III. The molecule used for creating...
A level-3 fold of Lucky Star Fractal, this time from gray metallic paper. I rarely fold a model multiple times, but this particular model is so nice I have f...
Origami box with Lucky Star molecule. The molecule can be tessellated and is based on hexagonal 8×8×8 grid.
A hexagonal variant of my Wedge Flower Box. Due to the different angles than in square grid, petals do not automatically align in a nice way, so they have to...
An improved version of my Celtic Cross. Based on standing crosses found throughout the British Isles.
An origami Trilithon based on those found at Stonehenge. The model is numbered I since I also designed some other variants with different proportions and one...
I folded this model in order to test what folding origami from felt would be like, and I summarized my impressions in a separate blog post.
This is a very cool model, designed by Roman Remme.
A minor modification of my Propellers Tessellation: the blades are sharper and more slender than in the original.
Origami is but pieces of colored paper, easily consumed by the elements and forgotten.
Bed of Nails 3D, an origami tessellation folded from a single sheet of Elephant Hide paper; no cutting or glue. It is possible to adjust the length of the sp...
Another fold of Five Intersecting Tetrahedra (FIT), this time with silver metallic paper.
This box is decorated with a pattern of Square Interlace Tessellation. I designed it as a container for a matching bracelet which is visible in some pictures...
This seven-sided star shape can be used as one half of a two-piece box or alone as an ornament. This heptagonal star design is based around my Chevron Corrug...
Aton Kusudama, variant A (many more are possible). Spiked icosahedron made from 30 units. Designed and folded by me. More variants are possible, some with in...
A refold of my Square Interlace Tessellation with graphite Elephant Hide paper. I think it’s much better than my original fold — funny how over time one lear...
Model designed on my plane back from UK which I visited just days after the Brexit vote. The British Flag itself can be used as a tessellation molecule and t...
My recent design, derived from Ninja Star Tessellation. 6×6 square grid per molecule. This design can be further modified (pictures coming up soon).
This ice cube tray was folded from a single sheet of Elephant Hide paper sandwiched with aluminium foil in order to make it water-tight. The tray itself is a...
This is Grating Tessellation, a new origami design of mine. Vertical walls of the grating divide the whole plane into small cells which give this tessellatio...
It may not look like it, but this tessellation is a variant of my Twisted Bird Base Tessellation. This and the octagonal pattern result in the name octabird....
Bracelet featuring a new design of mine, the Square Interlace Tessellation.
This pinwheel displays a fractal pattern with smaller pinwheels embedded inside larger ones, a series which can be continued indefinitely with thin enough pa...
I was inspired to design this tessellation resembling a bed of nails after a comment from P. Colman on flickr regarding my Fenced Tiling of Fujimoto’s Clove...
This tessellation consists of concentric square twists of growing size. The medium is self-adhesive holographic foil glued onto tracing paper. The spiral is ...
Makalu is one of the models in Robert Lang’s Himalayan Peaks series. Its more scientific name is six intersecting pentagons, or: 6 × 5 × 1 polypolyhedron. Se...
Annapurna (also known as ten intersecting triangles or 10 × 3 × 1 polypolyhedron) was designed by Robert Lang, but the model presented here uses my Sturdy Ed...
A very simple building without many details. I later improved the design while preserving its simplicity (see Cottage 1.1).