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Folding instructions: Crane
Related posts: Folding Window Blind Fabric
Main model description: Traditional Crane
Other folds and variants: Traditional Crane from book wrapping foil, Crane from RFID Chip, Traditional Crane from Wax Wrapper, Traditional Crane from Unfired Clay, Crane from Fried Dough
Paper: Fabric-Based Folding Materials (sample of fabric used for roller window blinds)
Type: animal, figurative single-sheet (implies: figurative, living thing, single-sheet)
Author: traditional model
Colors: gray

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

I folded this traditional crane in order to test a new folding material: fabric used for roller window blinds. Despite the fabric being quite thick, I was able to fold the crane from the relatively small (10×10 cm or so) sample. More in the blog post about this “paper”.

