…/2qQD41Z …/DG-EA17RjLE/ …/pfbid02pxZWhAaeVvkB19j3asaDz97fKXcswaGB8mDBM78jKSmXosMn1v8rZHk9yWj4YtDtl …/1898632604833755171 …/3ljue4eibbk2s
Folding instructions: Thorn (CFW 86)
Main model description: Thorn (CFW 86)
Other folds and variants: Thorn Fractal (alternating mirroring)
Paper: metallic paper
Type: single-sheet stars, recursive and periodic tessellations (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, fractal, geometric, mathematical object, pattern, single-sheet, star, symbol, abstract periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, recursive tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski, Shuzo Fujimoto (my design derived from Fujimoto’s)
Colors: gray
In albums: Models designed by me and by others, Stars by Shuzo Fujimoto

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Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing that design.

In this variant, each consecutive level twists in the same direction. Another possibility is to have every other level be mirrored.

