Thorn Fractal (alternating mirroring)
I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing ...
Fractals are a class of mathematical objects which are characterized by self-similarity: a part of the object resembles the whole. Such structures can be approximated in origami using iterative folding or using modular origami techniques.
I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing ...
I designed this fractal by starting from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Thorn (CFW 86). I don’t know whether Fujimoto himself was aware of the possibility of fractalizing ...
I noticed than when you stack several Geometric Vases 1.1 into each other, you get a very nice Christmas Tree. I topped out this one with a simple custom pie...
A recursive variant of Star a la Fujimoto III. Of course, even more levels can be folded, but only the outer layer will have a color change.
Lucky Star Fractal, level 3, folded from dark green Tant paper. This model is so nice I’ve folded it probably dozens of times (which rarely happens) and each...
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
I found out that Shuzo Fujimoto’s molecule used in his CFW 91 star, can be changed into a fractal. By pulling some paper outside in the center, you can get a...
This is a collections of my origami tessellations that I framed and hung near the desk I use for folding. The models, all kept in neutral colors, are as foll...
This is a recursive version of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Scissors (CFW 87). I wanted to call it Biohazard Fractal since it resembles the biohazard symbol, but later d...
This is another fold of Scissors Fractal, a recursive model I derived from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Scissors (CFW 87). In this fold, the direction each level rotates...
A comparison of two variants of Scissors Fractal: one with consistent rotation direction for all levels and one with alternating rotation directions.
This is a single molecule which can be tessellated. It is made from a molecule of Whirlwind Tessellation placed inside a larger one. More than the two levels...
When you fold variants of my Lucky Star Box, you can extend the star to its fractal form. This particular variant emerges when you apply that procedure to th...
You can assemble a simple Christmas tree from multiple Fortune Tellers (which you probably already know how to fold). Each Fortune Teller is smaller than the...
Believe it or not, over all these years of folding tessellations, I never folded a clean tiling of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. I recently decided to make up for th...
Another fold of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. I’ve kept two outermost leaf layers free of unnecessary creases. For deeper layers, it becomes much harder.
This design is my modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. Despite the change being very minor, it allows the model to be shaped in a more three-dimension...
Ten level-3 Lucky Star Fractals, folded from metallic paper in different colors. This is just a small subset of how many times I have folded this model over ...
This is, along with Clover Folding, one of the oldest pictures of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
Along with the Hydrangea, this is one of the oldest picture of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
Along with the other Clover Folding model, this is the oldest picture of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
This is just a simple Hydrangea, designed by Shuzo Fujimoto, but I think it looks really nice in back light. Folded from Grünperga Kristall Prägo, a kind of ...
Model folded from transparent book wrapping fold which shows the internal structure of the model in an interesting way. Have a look at the detailed review of...
A minimalistic self-similar origami design, in the style of Edward Mistretta’s recent works.
This is the simplest recursive/fractal model I have come up with so far. It is folded from a square. Due to the very high shrinkage factor, which is almost 4...
This is a recursion of my Twisted Bird Base Tessellation. The recursive / fractal version looks interesting, but it’s rather hard to collapse.
This is a level-7 Lucky Star Fractal, the largest number of levels I folded so far.
This is a tessellation of the Lucky Star Fractal. The standalone star was designed independently by several people, starting with Shuzo Fujimoto. I don’t kno...
This model is a variant of the Lucky Star Fractal (aka Logarithmic Star), designed by myself and independently by many others before me, starting with Shuzo ...
A level-3 fold of Lucky Star Fractal, this time from gray metallic paper. I rarely fold a model multiple times, but this particular model is so nice I have f...
This is a recursive version of the Lucky Star molecule. Just like the non-recursive version, it can be tessellated or used for decorating a box. The back of ...
Rhombus Fractal, an origami tessellation designed by Endre Somos (and independently also by Joel Cooper and by Wei Fu), folded by me. You may also find inter...
A refold of my older design, Stacked Propellers Tessellation, this time as a complete tessellation rather than a single molecule. 64×64 grid.
This is my variant of Edward Mistretta’s model, Phantasma Fractal. It’s a nice design which can be folded as a single molecule, or tessellated.
A side-by-side comparison of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding (left) and my own Clover Folding Lookalike (right). Front and back sides are shown (top and bott...
This is my design which at first glance looks very similar to Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding but has a completely different crease pattern and design.
I hadn’t folded Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding for at least two years when I decided to fold one again after seeing some examples beautifully folded by John...
Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea can be used as a modular unit. The method was first published by Meenakshi Mukerji and then reinvented independently by myself. I ...
My modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea into a heart shape. I found on flickr a similar model, designed by Francis Ow.
A color-change variant of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea, designed by Meenakshi Mukerji. Test fold based on unpublished diagrams, kindly provided by Meenakshi [u...
Stacked molecules of my Hearts Tessellation. This model is a fractal, and you can go on stacking heart upon heart indefinitely, each twice as large as the pr...
This Leafless Hydrangea model is a simple modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. It’s interesting how a simple change can modify a model’s appearance. J...
Happy New Year!
This is a fractalized version of my Propellers Tessellation. Stacked Propellers Tessellation is folded from a 16×16 grid per molecule in this case but you ca...
This cube is made from six units, each of which is a recursive four-sink base modified for use as a module.
This is an example of using my Fractal Pinwheel as a modular unit. Due to small size, there’s only one level so the fractalness is not so clearly visible.
This pinwheel displays a fractal pattern with smaller pinwheels embedded inside larger ones, a series which can be continued indefinitely with thin enough pa...
I designed this tiling of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding after I saw the tiling by Peter Budai and thought it would be better to make the borders between mo...
This rendition of the Tower of Babel consists of a series of square platforms placed one on top of another and rotated by 45 degrees at each level. This frac...
This tessellation consists of concentric square twists of growing size. The medium is self-adhesive holographic foil glued onto tracing paper. The spiral is ...
This picture frame can hold a standard 15×10 cm photograph. It consists of four molecules of the Hydrangea Tessellation (designed by Shuzo Fujimoto), spaced ...
After I made a Hydrangea Cube, Hydrangea Icosahedron was the next logical step. Just as in the cube, the Hydrangea Tessellation by Shuzo Fujimoto is used as ...
I came up with the idea of connecting Hydrangeas to form a modular origami design independently, then found out Meenakshi Mukerji had published it in her boo...
Model uses 192 modules: 120 × A1, 72 × A2
The modules’ shape makes this level 1 model look even closer to a level 2 model than the Penultimate Module version. The hole in each small square is exactly...
This is a labor-intensive, but very satisfying to fold model. Some people have managed to go as far as level 3 but even level 2 was quite challenging. About ...
Model folded from Warsaw public transport tickets (back side with magnetic strip visible). 192 modules: 120 for the body and 72 for coating.
This model uses 128 Trimodules, forming 64 2-unit tetrahedra, and 126 links that connect them, for a total of 254 units. The links were made from narrow rec...
Thanks to the modules’ shape and the holes created in the spaces between them, this model looks almost like a level 2 Menger sponge even though it is actuall...
Compare also with level-1 version of the same fractal.
A level-1 Koch snowflake is just a simple hexagonal star, and this is the way of connecting the Trimodule units originally suggested in Nick Robinson’s instr...
This fractal is an analogue of the standard Koch snowflake. Level 0 is a tetrahedron. In each iteration, a tetrahedron with half the edge length is placed in...