
Models of this type are also automatically listed in: abstract, geometric, mathematical object
More restrictive types: modular fractal, recursive non-tileable model, recursive and periodic tessellations, recursive tessellation

Fractals are a class of mathematical objects which are characterized by self-similarity: a part of the object resembles the whole. Such structures can be approximated in origami using iterative folding or using modular origami techniques.

This page lists folding instructions for models of a single type. You might be interested in the models themselves instead.
Hydrangea Tessellation

Hydrangea Tessellation

You can fold this tessellation based on instructions for folding a single molecule. There is also a video tutorial by Sara Ad...



You can find folding instructions for the Hydrangea (including a number of variants) in Fujim...

Clover Folding

Clover Folding

There is a video tutorial about Clover Folding, made by Sara Adams.

Hydrangea Icosahedron

Hydrangea Icosahedron

For folding Hydrangea Icosahedron (and many other shapes as well), you can just follow the instructions for Hydrangeaa Cube, ...

Hydrangea Cube

Hydrangea Cube

The idea of connecting several Hydrangeas occurred independently to me and earlier to Meenakshi Mukerji. If you do not yet kn...

Clover Folding Lookalike

Clover Folding Lookalike

Clover Folding Lookalike looks very similar to Fujimoto’s Clover Folding but has a significantly different structure.