…/2qBkb4X …/2qBkcu7 …/DD80fyFMg0Y/ …/DEC5tcQJzZm/ …/pfbid05XpNud42yavbBZS7Sjn1m97jUqcJHJk5k7EvMYtPff6q2Y72hagGYch1yS9j1uGFl …/pfbid0vxFjwowa44deqRUEYZVxsneW9PVNoBsdzX3CyKmbdwFJ9PfqFY2Ltn6akvAytmaMl …/1871436153041117242 …/1872292039712207339 …/3ldw4eddhls2q …/3ldw4l6o3cc2q
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
Related posts: Origami Connect Workshop — Geometric Vase and Other Models, Workshop (Geometric Vase and Vase Christmas Tree) at Birmingham Mini-Meeting (Online)
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Tant
Type: figurative modular, modular fractal, tree (implies: abstract modular, abstract, figurative, fractal, geometric, living thing, mathematical object, modular, multi-sheet, plant)
Author: Jim Weir, Michał Kosmulski
Units used: Geometric Vase 1.1, by: Jim Weir, Michał Kosmulski (4 Geometric Vases and one custom unit for the tip)
Unit count: 5
Colors: green
In albums: Models designed by me and by others, Showcase, Modular ① – few units

Side Top Individual pieces
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

I noticed than when you stack several Geometric Vases 1.1 into each other, you get a very nice Christmas Tree. I topped out this one with a simple custom piece to make the top of the tree pointed.

If you skip the pointed topper and use only vases of different sizes, you can arrange the sizes in different ways. This model uses a linearly decreasing progression since it makes the model look like an actual Christmas tree. Using exponentially decreasing sizes, we would get a kind of fractal with infinitely many vases adding smaller and smaller features.

This model is similar to Fortune Teller Christmas Tree not only in being a Christmas tree, but also by using as modular origami units a model not originally designed as a unit. Just as is the case with the other design, except for the topper, units only lie on top of each other gravitationally, so the tree will fall apart if it topples. Still, in the case of vases as units, if you push them into one another, they can hold together pretty well.

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