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Related models: Geometric Vase 1.1, Vase Christmas Tree

Geometric Vase 1.1
Geometric Vase 1.1
Vase Christmas Tree
Vase Christmas Tree

This Sunday, February 23rd, at 2 p.m. GMT (15:00 CET), I will be giving an online class during the Birmingham Mini-Meeting. We will fold my Geometric Vase 1.1 (the one with Jim Weir’s improvements) and Vase Christmas Tree. Since the workshop is aimed at beginners, we will start by learning how to fold a hexagon from a rectangle. We will only fold one level of the tree and the topper during the workshop, but you will be able to continue and fold more later on.

If you want to register, please e-mail Ed Holmes who’s edward_holmes at live dot co dot uk.

Paper to prepare: two A4 or Letter sheets, preferably green. Also prepare a paper knife or scissors.
