…/2qBkgci …/DEJzHIIPhhY/ …/pfbid0KyMFdt7eeEZrBXuDp2WwMXAtV8GZ7mMAUBcF7qKgJvFy4NJhaawzND2Ydy3v2vJVl …/1873262707773669684 …/3ldw527t7ck2q
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
Related posts: Origami Connect Workshop — Geometric Vase and Other Models, Workshop (Geometric Vase and Vase Christmas Tree) at Birmingham Mini-Meeting (Online)
Main model description: Geometric Vase
Paper: Ordis
Type: furniture, single-sheet box, single unit (implies: box, figurative, geometric, origami-first design, single-sheet)
Author: Jim Weir, Michał Kosmulski
Models using this unit: Vase Christmas Tree
Colors: green
In albums: Models designed by me and by others

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Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

At CenterFold 2024, I taught my Geometric Vase. Jim Weir came up with a better way to lock the edges, resulting in the version of the model presented here. The lock holds better, but the biggest improvement is in the folding sequence. The original was quite nice to fold until you arrived at the last side of the vase, where you had to go into lots of trouble to close the ring of locks. This step was also hard to show in the workshop. In version 1.1, each of the locks is more independent of others, making it easier to close, and the locking step is much easier to teach. It’>s great to see others improve upon my design, to the benefit of all folders.

Note that the model looks quite interesting when seen from below (or placed upside-down).

