…/2jzXdHA …/CEUITKLpYl2/ …/1720718118094029 …/1298255698573135874
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Paper: Gift Wrapping Paper
Type: book, classic tessellation, figurative single-sheet (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, figurative, geometric, pattern, single-sheet, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: gray

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Recently, I gave an Origami Connect workshop on my origami book model Long Story Short. Preparing for the workshop motivated me to revisit an idea which I had several years ago, right after designing the model, namely to design a book whose cover would be decorated with a tessellation-like pattern. I was not happy about my original attempts since either the pleats radiating out of the pattern affected other parts of the model, or I had to severely limit the kind of pattern used.

Fortunately, this time around I was able to design a nice transition between the tessellated part and the area of paper used for folding the back cover and pages. The result is a tessellated cover, and a completely smooth back, as well as no visible creases on the pages of the book, all from a single sheet of paper. This technique is quite similar to Flagstone Paneling.

