…/2k1YxRK …/CHAWmRiJwd2/ …/140159521172265 …/1322494024931049475
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Gift Wrapping Paper
Type: book, classic tessellation, figurative single-sheet, people (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, figurative, geometric, living thing, pattern, single-sheet, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: gray
In albums: Showcase

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This origami book features a portrait on the front cover, so I called it Biography. The structure of the book is basically the same as in my Long Story Short but with a tessellation added on the cover. I had the idea of making books with tessellations on the cover shortly after designing the original, but it took me a few years until I was satisfied with the result. As you can see, in this version, the back and pages are completely smooth and there are no unnecessary creases going through them. The technique I used here is quite versatile and can be adapted to many different patterns.

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