Workshop with Origami Mitra …/2m4F8FH …/CP7dWg9Jl9C/ …/290396192815263 …/1402869589969715202
Related models: Lucky Star Box (Simplified), Shamrock 1.1 Box

Workshop poster, by Origami Mitra
Workshop poster, by Origami Mitra
Screenshot from the meeting, by Origami Mitra
Screenshot from the meeting, by Origami Mitra

Origami Mitra is a group of origami enthusiasts, based in Mumbai and Pune, India. This Saturday, June 12th, 2021, I will conduct a workshop, one in a series organized to celebrate the group’s 40th anniversary. We will fold two models: Box with Lucky Star (Simplified) and Shamrock 1.1 Box. It’s going to be a long but hopefully interesting workshop.

Update: added a screenshot from the meeting. Thank you everyone!


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