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Folding instructions: Lucky Star Tessellation
Related posts: Splendorgel Paper Review, Workshop with Origami Mitra, OrigamiUSA Convention 2021
Main model description: Lucky Star Tessellation
Other folds and variants: Lucky Star Box, Lucky Star Box (Simplified) Variant B, Handle with Hemp Leaf (CFW 137), Hemp Leaf (CFW 88)
Paper: Splendorgel
Type: box lid, classic tessellation, tessellated stars (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, box, geometric, origami-first design, pattern, single-sheet, star, symbol, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Haligami (Halina Rościszewska-Narloch), Michał Kosmulski (molecule independently discovered by myself and Haligami)
Colors: yellow
In albums: Models designed by me and by others, Lucky Star Family

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This is a model I will be teaching in just two weeks at a workshop during the 2018 CDO origami convention in Italy. The star can be used as a tessellation molecule. After designing it, I learned that the molecule is structurally almost the same as Day and Night Tessellation by Haligami.

I designed this box as a modification of my Lucky Star Box, specifically with teaching in mind. Compared to the original version, this one uses a more convenient 8×8×8 grid rather than 12×12×12, and even if the whole grid is precreased, there are no unnecessary grid lines visible on the walls of the finished model.

This was also a test of Fedrigoni Splendorgel Avorio 100 gsm paper which I discovered at a local PaperConcept store: read the full review here.

