Lucky Star Fractal from Green Tant
Lucky Star Fractal, level 3, folded from dark green Tant paper. This model is so nice I’ve folded it probably dozens of times (which rarely happens) and each...
Stars appearing as the subject of origami tessellations.
Lucky Star Fractal, level 3, folded from dark green Tant paper. This model is so nice I’ve folded it probably dozens of times (which rarely happens) and each...
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
Many of Shuzo Fujimoto’s stars are built around tessellation molecules, and thus can, with a simple transformation, be tessellated. For some cases I was able...
Another clean fold of Sol, this time from Kaiser/Stark paper.
A modification of my Sol, adding a color-change background to the tessellation molecule. The gold-blue Washi looks in real life even better than in the pictu...
I found out that Shuzo Fujimoto’s molecule used in his CFW 91 star, can be changed into a fractal. By pulling some paper outside in the center, you can get a...
When preparing my workshops for the German Origami Convention (coming up in slightly more than a week), I improved upon my original precrease for the Sol mod...
This is my tessellation of Shuzo Fujimoto’s CFW 87 Scissors. Each molecule can be rotated independently of others. As far I’m aware, Fujimoto himself never t...
This year’s model of the Star of Bethlehem for Epiphany is based on my Star of David I molecule. The model as a whole is very similar to Epiphany III, the di...
After I designed this tessellation, I learned that Shuzo Fujimoto had designed the same thing about 40 years earlier. This was the first time such independen...
This is one of Shuzo Fujimoto’s translucent designs. For my personal use, I call it Stars and Triangles as an analogy to Stars and Squares which is the same ...
This tessellation is closely related to the 1:1 Pythagorean Tiling, but the twists are slightly different. Still, the design remains iso-area. The squares an...
This is one of Fujimoto’s famous translucent designs — tessellations designed to be viewed in back-light. Fujimoto folded them using thinner paper than the K...
A Rosette variant which resembles the Spring Sun. Back side is quite interesting as well.
When you fold variants of my Lucky Star Box, you can extend the star to its fractal form. This particular variant emerges when you apply that procedure to th...
This is variant B of my Lucky Star Box (Simplified). It is derived from the basic variant by pushing inside the box the empty areas around the star, which va...
Ten level-3 Lucky Star Fractals, folded from metallic paper in different colors. This is just a small subset of how many times I have folded this model over ...
This origami tessellation is based on a geometric pattern I spotted on a door in the Barcelona Cathedral during my trip back from CfC 2 convention. A design ...
This rendition of the Star of Bethlehem is based on the same general idea as Epiphany III, but made to better resemble an actual comet. It features a double ...
This tessellation is derived from Lucky Star Tessellation, but due to the different arrangement of paper layers, this one can’t be fractalized. The outline o...
This is a level-7 Lucky Star Fractal, the largest number of levels I folded so far.
This is a tessellation of the Lucky Star Fractal. The standalone star was designed independently by several people, starting with Shuzo Fujimoto. I don’t kno...
This is a tessellation of the molecule which I first used in Lucky Star Box and which I later extended into Lucky Star Fractal. As I learned after the fact, ...
This model is a variant of the Lucky Star Fractal (aka Logarithmic Star), designed by myself and independently by many others before me, starting with Shuzo ...
Another attempt at folding the subject of Star of Bethlehem, this time using the Lucky Star molecule (invented independently with Fujimoto, Haligami and many...
Unintuitive as it may seem, this tessellated Christmas Tree was born as a modification of a shooting star model, Epiphany III. The molecule used for creating...
A level-3 fold of Lucky Star Fractal, this time from gray metallic paper. I rarely fold a model multiple times, but this particular model is so nice I have f...
This is a recursive version of the Lucky Star molecule. Just like the non-recursive version, it can be tessellated or used for decorating a box. The back of ...
This is a model I will be teaching in just two weeks at a workshop during the 2018 CDO origami convention in Italy. The star can be used as a tessellation mo...
Origami box with Lucky Star molecule. The molecule can be tessellated and is based on hexagonal 8×8×8 grid.
A recent design of mine, a box with the Star of David, seen from the top. Folded from a single sheet of Tant paper without cuts or glue. The star can be tess...
This is a design derived from my Square Interlace Tessellation. A more precise name would be Pursed Square Interlace Tessellation but I found it too technica...
Folding Stars and Squares Tessellation from a diagonal grid (rotated 45°) leads to an interesting effect. At the edges, small triangles form, creating a jagg...
A back-lit picture of Stars and Squares Tessellation, invented independently by me and Shuzo Fujimoto. You can find a similar backlit picture of this model i...
This is what you get when you take Stars and Squares Tessellation and take away the squares. What is left is Just Stars!
Yet another fine example of me reinventing the wheel. After I designed this pattern, I found out it had been already published — in 1982 (!) — by no less tha...