Tessellated Thorn (CFW 86)
Folding instructions: Tessellated Thorn (CFW 86)
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Elephant Hide
Type: classic tessellation, tessellated stars
(implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, star, symbol, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski, other/uknown, Shuzo Fujimoto (Shuzo Fujimoto’s star CFW 86 tessellated by me)
Colors: brown and beige
In albums: Models designed by me and by others, Tessellation Examples
This is another example of me tessellating a model originally presented by Shuzo Fujimoto as an individual star, in this case Thorn (CFW 86). I’m not sure if Fujimoto knew you could make a tessellation out of it, but despite a lack of direct evidence, I think he probably did.