Stars and Triangles (CFW 56)

This is one of Shuzo Fujimoto’s translucent designs. For my personal use, I call it Stars and Triangles as an analogy to Stars and Squares which is the same idea but executed on a square rather than hex grid. Since hex twists alone can’t tile the plane due to chirality issues, on the hex grid we need two kinds of molecules rather than just a single one like on a square grid: the starting point for this tessellation is tessellation.
This work was designed by Shuzo Fujimoto and folded by me from a grid that was precreased by Ben Parker, so three origamists were involved in one way or another, one of them posthumously. Come to think also about people who were not consciously working on origami, but whose work was nonetheless necessary for this piece to come to be, quite a bunch had to put in their work: someone had to design the paper (and Elephant Hide is truly an engineering marvel), distribute and sell it, quite a few people must have been involved in the logistics of getting this sheet first to Ben’s home in the USA and then to mine in Poland. Even the simple art of origami shows how interconnected our world has become for better or worse.