…/2ohBBgq …/Cozxn5aKI5N/ …/pfbid0hAzUjM3oLj1u6kBdXkaUTzZ1pZDHiAbzfhyVtNmgZ5GzASzRysbq63HfvnAk2RCkl …/1626968550266077185
Folding instructions: Stars and Triangles (CFW 56), Hex Twist Star (CFW 110)
Main model description: Stars and Triangles (CFW 56)
Other folds and variants: Daffodil (CFW 100), Windmill from Square (CFW 81), Handle (CFW 133), Windmill (CFW 84)
Paper: Tant
Type: classic tessellation, single-sheet stars (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, single-sheet, star, symbol, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Shuzo Fujimoto
Colors: blue
In albums: Stars by Shuzo Fujimoto

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Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This star by Shuzo Fujimoto combines a central molecule taken from CFW 56 Tessellation (or Windmill, CFW 84) with sharpened rays which mimic a very similar pattern on the outer edge. This is basically Daffodil (CFW 100), with the outer rays folded behind in half.

