…/2ps9JXS …/C2EzThxNo4-/ …/?fbid=854186946661741 …/1746458637747331447
Folding instructions: Sol
Main model description: Sol
Other folds and variants: Sol (clean fold), Sol (Kaiser/Stark paper)
Paper: Washi
Type: color-change, tessellated stars (implies: abstract, geometric, star, symbol, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: blue, yellow
In albums: Tessellations with Decorated Edges

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

A modification of my Sol, adding a color-change background to the tessellation molecule. The gold-blue Washi looks in real life even better than in the picture, but unfortunately wasn’t very strong and started tearing at a few points where lots of creases cross.

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