Lucky Star Fractal from Green Tant
Lucky Star Fractal, level 3, folded from dark green Tant paper. This model is so nice I’ve folded it probably dozens of times (which rarely happens) and each...
This album contains tessellations whose edges are decorated, e.g. with petal patterns.
Lucky Star Fractal, level 3, folded from dark green Tant paper. This model is so nice I’ve folded it probably dozens of times (which rarely happens) and each...
I folded this tessellation for a collaboration with the late Meenakshi Mukerji. I would fold some simple tessellation bases on which her designs were based a...
This star by Shuzo Fujimoto demonstrates a general technique which I labeled CFW 422. Here, it is combined with the simplest of Fujimoto’s basic stars, Windm...
This star by Shuzo Fujimoto is only mentioned in textual form: there isn’t even a picture in Fujimoto’s books. It consists of the molecule of Hemp Leaf (CFW ...
This star is like Petals (CFW 85) but with more paper around the tessellation molecule.
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
I developed Shuzo Fujimoto’s design, Petals (CFW 85) into a fractal. I don’t have direct proof if Fujimoto was aware of this possibility, but I think it’s li...
Another variant of the Hydrangea by Shuzo Fujimoto, this one using a color change around the edges.
A color-changed star designed by Shuzo Fujimoto.
Another model using my Color-Wrap Rays technique together with Shuzo Fujimoto’s Scissors (CFW 87) molecule.
The name of this corrugation comes from the sessile sea organisms it resembles.
You can make your tessellations more interesting by warping them into various shapes using wet folding. This Square Interlace Tessellation with curled corner...
Another star by Shuzo Fujimoto which is not even depicted in his books, just mentioned in text. It uses rays from Handle (CFW 133), but the tessellation mole...
This star uses the same rays as Handle (CFW 133), but the tessellation molecule in the center is that of Thorn (CFW 86).
This star is decorated with a molecule of my Unicursal Hexagram Tessellation. The color-change rays are the same as in Star a la Fujimoto.
A modification of my Sol, adding a color-change background to the tessellation molecule. The gold-blue Washi looks in real life even better than in the pictu...
This is variant B of my Framed Heart. Just like the original, it consists of a tessellation molecule placed inside a frame folded from the same sheet of pape...
This star by Shuzo Fujimoto uses the same rays as his Handle (CFW 133) but the tessellation molecule is that of Hemp Leaf (CFW 88), same as independently cre...
The outline of this star is made using the same technique as various Star a la Fujimoto variants. The decoration in the center is a tessellation molecule tha...
This star consists of a CFW 91 molecule folded in the center of a hexagon with 6×6×6 grid, giving it additional rays around the molecule. This work is folded...
This was my first clean fold of Shuzo Fujimoto’s CFW 106 star, from a sheet of printed Washi I received courtesy of Satoko Saito for the Year of the Ox. Unfo...
A comparison of two folds of CFW 106 side by side: one from patterned Washi and the other from plain color Tant. Patterned paper, though very nice, made it i...
I found out that Shuzo Fujimoto’s molecule used in his CFW 91 star, can be changed into a fractal. By pulling some paper outside in the center, you can get a...
Star a la Fujimoto III is a great way to showcase patterned papers, in this case an art nouveau themed gift wrapping paper.
Star a la Fujimoto III looks particularly interesting when folded from paper whose pattern has hexagonal symmetry.
In this variant, the rays are layered “one on top of the other” rather than “every other one in a different layer”. This changes the appearance of the front ...
This tessellation is based on a hex grid but the symmetry of molecules is triangular. This is also the reason the whole model is not a fully symmetric hexago...
This star, designed by Shuzo Fujimoto, has untypically shaped rays which make it look like the handle of an old tap. CFW 174 is a minor variant of CFW 133.
This year’s model of the Star of Bethlehem for Epiphany is based on my Star of David I molecule. The model as a whole is very similar to Epiphany III, the di...
This model belongs to a series inspired by the work of Shuzo Fujimoto. The outer edge is made with a general technique I devised that can be combined with di...
This is a recursive version of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Scissors (CFW 87). I wanted to call it Biohazard Fractal since it resembles the biohazard symbol, but later d...
This is another fold of Scissors Fractal, a recursive model I derived from Shuzo Fujimoto’s Scissors (CFW 87). In this fold, the direction each level rotates...
A comparison of two variants of Scissors Fractal: one with consistent rotation direction for all levels and one with alternating rotation directions.
I folded this Seal of a Secret Society from Clairefointaine Maya paper for the sake of creating a phototutorial on this model.
This star by Fujimoto is basically the same thing as CFW 87 but folded from a 6×6×6 grid, which results in more paper around the central molecule and a diffe...
While my first fold of this variant was from a 16×16 grid, this one is from 32×32, which produces many more molecules and better shows how squares of two siz...
I came up with this design due to folding lots of stars by Shuzo Fujimoto recently. Since this is not the first time new ideas pop up based on his works (thi...
A star by Shuzo Fujimoto. The front looks as if woven from mutually intersecting triangles while the back is rather plain. A very similar model, CFW 120 loo...
This star by Fujimoto is broadly speaking a level-2 Lucky Star Fractal folded from a slightly smaller hexagon so that there is less paper available on the ba...
This star would have been simple to fold were it not for the final folds that create the small hexagon in the center. These folds on each side should be perf...
My Framed Heart, folded from the rare red Elephant Hide paper in late 2019. The heart can be tessellated, but I haven’t folded it this way in practice yet.
A star from square twist that uses a similar technique as the Dahlia for shaping the petals. It can be seen as a single molecule of Propellers Tessellation (...
This tessellation differs from most other designs by having lower rotational symmetry: only 180° rather than the 60° typical for tessellations based on a hex...
A very simple variant of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea, which does not seem to be popular among folders so far.
Decorating Easter Eggs is a popular Easter tradition in Poland, Ukraine, and other Slavic countries. This one is folded from a single sheet of paper rather t...
A variant of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea, called Brick (レンガ, Renga).
In the description of my recent Hydrangea Tessellation fold, I mentioned that I had recently experimented with different variants of the “leaves” which form ...
Believe it or not, over all these years of folding tessellations, I never folded a clean tiling of Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. I recently decided to make up for th...
Another fold of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. I’ve kept two outermost leaf layers free of unnecessary creases. For deeper layers, it becomes much harder.
This model, which includes tessellation elements, has a 3×3 field of squares which reminds me of a tic-tac-toe game board. The pattern is based on Square Pix...
This design is my modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. Despite the change being very minor, it allows the model to be shaped in a more three-dimension...
A variant of Pythagorean Tiling with 1:1 size ratio between the sides of the two types of squares. This effectively makes the pattern uniform (all squares ar...
A Framed Heart, folded from black Goat Skin paper.
Ten level-3 Lucky Star Fractals, folded from metallic paper in different colors. This is just a small subset of how many times I have folded this model over ...
This is, along with Clover Folding, one of the oldest pictures of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
Along with the Hydrangea, this is one of the oldest picture of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
Along with the other Clover Folding model, this is the oldest picture of a tessellation folded by me (taken in June 2015).
Model folded from transparent book wrapping fold which shows the internal structure of the model in an interesting way. Have a look at the detailed review of...
This model is just a tessellation of Crossed Box Pleats: the back side which you see here is the Crowding Butterflies model by Shuzo Fujimoto. You can notice...
My idea behind this tessellation was designing something easy to learn for beginners but at the same to make it reasonably well looking. The models I have us...
This model is the same as the first Pythagorean Tiling variant I folded, but the side length ratio of big squares to small squares is 3:2 instead of 2:1. As ...
The pattern this origami tessellation represents is known as Pythagorean Tiling or Two Squares Tessellation. I came up with this design independently, but it...
This rendition of the Star of Bethlehem is based on the same general idea as Epiphany III, but made to better resemble an actual comet. It features a double ...
I designed this model as a wedding gift, starting out from my Framed Heart model.
The sinking of Titanic, in origami.
This model uses an improved version of my Broken Heart Molecule. I call this version simply Heart Tessellation II / Molecule.
This is a level-7 Lucky Star Fractal, the largest number of levels I folded so far.
Ben Goldberger is an interesting origami artist from Israel whom I had the opportunity to meet at CDO Convention 2018. You should definitely check out his wo...
This model is a variant of the Lucky Star Fractal (aka Logarithmic Star), designed by myself and independently by many others before me, starting with Shuzo ...
Another attempt at folding the subject of Star of Bethlehem, this time using the Lucky Star molecule (invented independently with Fujimoto, Haligami and many...
A level-3 fold of Lucky Star Fractal, this time from gray metallic paper. I rarely fold a model multiple times, but this particular model is so nice I have f...
This is a recursive version of the Lucky Star molecule. Just like the non-recursive version, it can be tessellated or used for decorating a box. The back of ...
This is a modification of my Sunflower Tessellation. The molecules (“sunflower seeds”) are flatter and the petals are shorter. The back side is also more int...
This model shows how the basic molecule of my Sunflower Tessellation can be modified in order to rearrange the direction the individual “seeds” are pointing....
It took me 1½ years before I decided to fold my Sunflower Tessellation once again, this time from rare yellow Elephant Hide paper. I think this is a better ...
Rhombus Fractal, an origami tessellation designed by Endre Somos (and independently also by Joel Cooper and by Wei Fu), folded by me. You may also find inter...
Mini-Sunflower Tessellation, folded from Kaiser (Stark) paper.
This is Her Majesty’s Tessellation (own design) folded from a 64×64 diagonally rotated grid. The spacing between molecules is less dense than in the 32×32 gr...
A side-by-side comparison of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding (left) and my own Clover Folding Lookalike (right). Front and back sides are shown (top and bott...
This is my design which at first glance looks very similar to Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding but has a completely different crease pattern and design.
I hadn’t folded Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding for at least two years when I decided to fold one again after seeing some examples beautifully folded by John...
Believe it or not, this tessellation is closely related to my Double Spearhead Tessellation.
The same molecule as in Her Majesty’s Box, used for a tessellation. Diagonally rotated square grid, 32×32.
Metal Star, designed by Małgorzata Łodo. From a hexagon with 16×16×16 hex grid.
A slight modification of my Framed Two-in-One Flower, with a color-changed frame. The colour change is very simple: basically, in the first step the paper is...
I will be teaching my Double Spearhead Tessellation in a workshop during BOS 50th anniversary convention in Stratford-upon-Avon a week from now.
This tessellation is just a slight modification of Double Spearhead Tessellation but it looks much more like Woven Rhombi Tessellation.
A fold of Framed Two-in-One Flower, folded from purple Tant paper.
A modification of my earlier Propellers Tessellation. The blazing propeller also resembles a whirlpool or a tropical cyclone. 14×14 grid per molecule, 48×48 ...
My modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea into a heart shape. I found on flickr a similar model, designed by Francis Ow.
Flower Tessellation, designed by Meenakshi Mukerji. The molecule is derived from the Crossed Box Pleat (CBP). I folded and photographed this model for Meenak...
A color-change variant of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea, designed by Meenakshi Mukerji. Test fold based on unpublished diagrams, kindly provided by Meenakshi [u...
Folding Stars and Squares Tessellation from a diagonal grid (rotated 45°) leads to an interesting effect. At the edges, small triangles form, creating a jagg...
Stacked molecules of my Hearts Tessellation. This model is a fractal, and you can go on stacking heart upon heart indefinitely, each twice as large as the pr...
This Leafless Hydrangea model is a simple modification of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Hydrangea. It’s interesting how a simple change can modify a model’s appearance. J...
Origami is but pieces of colored paper, easily consumed by the elements and forgotten.
This is a minimalistic version of my Sunflower Tessellation, folded from a 16×16 grid. It consists of just a single molecule surrounded by petals, and thus c...
My new tessellation design, folded from a single sheet of Tant paper.
A single framed molecule of my Two-in-One Flower Tessellation. This is the most basic variant both of the flower and of the frame.
Happy New Year!
Yet another variant of framed molecule of my Two-in-One Flower Tessellation. Molecule and frame folded from a single sheet of Satogami paper (16×16 grid).
Another variant (Variant 2) of framed molecule of my Two-in-One Flower Tessellation. Molecule and frame folded from a single sheet of Satogami paper (16×16 g...
A single molecule of Variant 1 of my Two-in-One Flower Tessellation together with a frame, folded from a single sheet of Satogami paper (16×16 grid).
I refolded my Sprout Tessellation for the German Origami Convention in Erkner. Asymmetry and folding the grid at an angle relative to paper edges are inspire...
Sprout Tessellation, designed and folded by Michał Kosmulski. Derived from my Squares and Crosses Tess.
The molecule is 6×6 grid units, so normally 3×3 molecules would require an 18×18 grid. Since folding power-of-two grids is much more convenient than others, ...
I designed this tiling of Shuzo Fujimoto’s Clover Folding after I saw the tiling by Peter Budai and thought it would be better to make the borders between mo...