Four-Sink Base Tessellation (Diagonal)
Folding instructions: Four-Sink-Base Tessellation
Main model description: Four-Sink-Base Tessellation
Other folds and variants: Saturn Tessellation, Four-Sink Base Tessellation (Larger Spacing), Quartered Box
Paper: Biotope
Type: classic tessellation
(implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Shuzo Fujimoto
Colors: brown and beige
In albums: Showcase, Tessellation Examples, Tessellations with Decorated Edges
I folded this tessellation for a collaboration with the late Meenakshi Mukerji. I would fold some simple tessellation bases on which her designs were based and send them to her so that she could then fold the final steps. Since I folded a few of those bases, I experimented with grid rotation, margins, and margin decoration. Here, the grid is diagonally (45°) rotated, with 48 divisions, and there are 3 units of margin, which allows for nice decoration along the edges and in the corners.