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Related people: Shuzo Fujimoto

Shuzo Fujimoto’s five self-published books: Solid Origami, Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami, and Twist Origami 1-3
Shuzo Fujimoto’s five self-published books: Solid Origami, Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami, and Twist Origami 1-3

Yesterday, during an online event dedicated to Shuzo Fujimoto, I was happy to announce that his children, Hitoshi Fujimoto and Shumi Okada, being his heirs, have agreed to release his five self-published books to the Public Domain. This means that you can now copy, distribute, and use the contents of these books without any restrictions (certain limitations may still apply in some jurisdictions).

We made the books available in PDF format for anyone to download for free — visit each book’s page to find additional information and a link to the PDF:

This is a great gift to the origami community, especially given that physical copies of these books are almost impossible to come by nowadays, and very generous of Hitoshi Fujimoto and Shumi Okada.

In the picture, you can see the physical books which I had professionally scanned in order to create the PDFs. Solid Origami is one of the at least five editions of this book. I don’t know its publication year, but it’s not the first edition which had a red and white cover. The other four books are re-editions from 2007 which were prepared by Satoko Saito and distributed by her and Paula Versnick.

Catalog of Fujimoto’s Works (CFW)
Catalog of Fujimoto’s Works (CFW)

During the event, I also made publicly available my Catalog of Fujimoto’s Works (CFW). It contains a listing of confirmed models designed by Shuzo Fujimoto and assigns each a unique identifier, the CFW number, which allows it to be unambiguously named. The catalog contains references to Fujimoto’s books, so the original place where a model is mentioned and where instructions may be found, is listed for each.

You can find the catalog here: Catalog of Fujimoto’s Works (CFW).
