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Related models: Whirlwind Box, Whirlwind Box (folded from full grid)

Whirlwind Box, folded from full grid
Whirlwind Box, folded from full grid
Whirlwind Box, folded without the grid
Whirlwind Box, folded without the grid

On November 28th, 2021, I will have the pleasure of giving an online origami workshop at the Birmingham Mini-Meeting. We will fold my Whirlwind Box. This pattern can also be tessellated. Be sure to prepare a 16×16 grid on a square of copy paper, Tant, or other thick paper. Kami goes as well, but is not as good.

In the pictures you can see the box folded in two ways: the easier version using the full grid, which we will fold in the workshop, and a clean fold made without the grid.

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