Shamrock Tessellation

I was inspired by this model by Matthew Green to also design a model for St. Patrick’s Day. A bigger model is coming up, which I hope to finish on time, but meanwhile here’s just a preview: Shamrock Tessellation.
This design is derived from my Maltese Cross molecule. The grid is 12×12, so large mainly because I wanted to have nice uniform pleats between molecules rather than extra layers of paper on top of the background. This pleat layout also allows the shamrocks to be arbitrarily rotated in 90° intervals or the stalk to point either left or right, and all these variants can be connected seamlessly in a single tessellation. I later designed a simplified version.
Like most of my other molecules, this once can also be transformed into a box if you only want to fold a single one and yet get a nice model. See also the improved version, Shamrock Tessellation 1.1.
Folded from Palatina paper which I recently discovered, and painted with acryl (two shades of green, one of them metallic).