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Folding instructions: Shamrock 1.1 Tessellation
This is the primary page for this model.
Other folds and variants: Shamrock 1.1 Box
Paper: Elephant Hide
Type: leaf, periodic figurative tessellation (implies: figurative tessellation, figurative, living thing, pattern, plant, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: green
In albums: Flagstone Paneling, Models with Pictures of Precreased Sheets, Shamrock Tessellation family, Showcase, Tessellation Examples

Front Back Whole model Close-up of central molecule Precreased sheet in back light Close-up, angled Me, holding the partially precreased sheet for this model
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This is an improved version of my Shamrock Tessellation. It uses Flagstone Paneling technique in order to hide pleats, so that each shamrock is separated from others by empty flat areas. After designing the molecule, I only folded boxes since a complete tessellation is quite a bit of work, but here it is, finally.

Folded from a sheet of Elephant Hide (moss green color).

Together with the paneling, each molecule is 14×14 grid units, and the whole model together with margins uses a 48×48 grid.


