Monkey with a Knife
This model illustrates the Polish idiom małpa z brzytwą (literally: a monkey with a straight razor). It means a person given access to something powerful and...
Figurative tessellations are, as the name implies, origami tessellations which represent actual objects or whole scenes.
They can be contrasted with abstract tessellations.
This model illustrates the Polish idiom małpa z brzytwą (literally: a monkey with a straight razor). It means a person given access to something powerful and...
Keeping up my tradition of designing a special model for each new year, I came up with this one, called 45² (pronounced 45 squared). 2025 is a perfect square...
A bullet in flight, penetrating a sheet of armor.
I designed and folded this model in mid-2023. Originally, I planned it as a typical figurative illustration of the story of David and Goliath, often found in...
Per my personal tradition of designing a New Year’s model each year, here’s one for 2024. This is my first origami design folded from Dragon Hide paper (copp...
The outline of this star is made using the same technique as various Star a la Fujimoto variants. The decoration in the center is a tessellation molecule tha...
This box is decorated with a ladybug, which is a tessellation molecule. I used the same molecule for a BBU tile variant to make a decorated cube. While the f...
Happy Easter!
This is a collections of my origami tessellations that I framed and hung near the desk I use for folding. The models, all kept in neutral colors, are as foll...
This year’s model of the Star of Bethlehem for Epiphany is based on my Star of David I molecule. The model as a whole is very similar to Epiphany III, the di...
This origami tessellation represents the number 2023 using Maya numerals as 𝋥𝋡𝋣. This system is vigesimal (base 20) and individual digits are read top-to-bot...
This box, designed in late 2020, is decorated with a shamrock, and folded from a single square of Tant paper. In contrast to most of my box designs, in which...
This model has been long in the making and is based on ideas of my Brain in a Vat from 2016 which in turn uses a technique I learned from Joanna Sobczyk the ...
The Golden Gate of Kyiv (Золоті ворота) was the main gate of the city in the early middle ages. Today the city is under attack again. Origami tessellation f...
Happy 2022! This is my first fold of the year, and as usual I wanted it to be something related to the new year. Since 2022 has a rare symmetry when rendered...
A view of San Francisco Bay, folded from a single square of Satogami paper. This origami painting is not based on any singular image, but a compilation of mu...
This model started out something completely different that what it ended up being. Originally, I planned to make a model of Lublin Castle, and started with t...
This is an improved version of my Shamrock Tessellation. It uses Flagstone Paneling technique in order to hide pleats, so that each shamrock is separated fro...
This kind of tripartite window was a popular motif in sacral architecture, found in many architectural styles, including Romanesque and Gothic.
This is a simplified version of my Shamrock Tessellation. I have also designed some boxes that use the same molecule: Slightly Simplified Shamrock Box and Si...
This model took me longer than I expected, but better late than never, so: happy New Year 2021! This model uses a new tessellation molecule of mine which I h...
Christ Pantokrator, inspired by Byzantine icons. One sheet of Edokosome paper, just folding. Merry Christmas!
I derived this design from my Shamrock 1.1 Box. Just like the former, it can be tessellated. It is named after a rare flower which grows in the mountains.
A new fold of my Shamrock 1.1 Box — compared to the previous one, I managed to fold and shape the stem in a cleaner way. The shamrock can be tessellated.
Origami tessellation, single sheet of Satogami paper. Just folding: no cutting or glue.
Origami tessellation designed as a wedding gift. One sheet of white Elephant Hide paper, no cutting or glue.
Together with In the Fjord, this is from my Norwegian fjord series of origami works. Folded from hand-made paper with oatmeal.
Doom Eternal is coming out tomorrow, so here’s an origami version of the cover art of the first Doom game from 1993. Origami from a single square sheet, no c...
Excalibur, the sword in the stone, from Arthurian legends. Origami folded from one sheet (Elephant Hide paper courtesy of Paula Versnick). Also compare my Tw...
View into a Norwegian fjord, folded from a sheet of hand-made paper.
This rendition of the Star of Bethlehem is based on the same general idea as Epiphany III, but made to better resemble an actual comet. It features a double ...
Happy New Year 2020! Here’s an origami tessellation with the number 2020, folded from a 2:1 rectangle of Satogami paper.
This origami crucifix is modeled after icon crosses found in Byzantine art, but also present in other styles up to this day. A matching model for All Saints’...
The sinking of Titanic, in origami.
Model ten zaprojektowałem po niedawnej wizycie na polu Bitwy pod Grunwaldem. Origami z jednego arkusza papieru, bez cięcia i klejenia. Siatka 48×48. Pojedyn...
Another fold of Frank’s Bow Tie, this time in my usual style (thick paper, as few grid lines visible as is practical). The link contains more information abo...
At Outdoor Origami Meeting 2019, I had the opportunity to fold Frank Van Kollem’s Pythagoras Tree tessellation in a workshop given by Paula Versnick. I had k...
Ben Goldberger is an interesting origami artist from Israel whom I had the opportunity to meet at CDO Convention 2018. You should definitely check out his wo...
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, here is a new version of my Shamrock Box (previous versions: 1.0 and two simplified variants). Current version was design...
Another attempt at folding the subject of Star of Bethlehem, this time using the Lucky Star molecule (invented independently with Fujimoto, Haligami and many...
Unintuitive as it may seem, this tessellated Christmas Tree was born as a modification of a shooting star model, Epiphany III. The molecule used for creating...
A quick study of Lucca cathedral as an origami tessellation on my way to the Italian CDO convention.
This origami box represents a flower of the genus Houstonia, also known as bluets or Quaker Ladies. Some species, in particular Houstonia Caerulea have four ...
An origami tessellation for the Feast of Epiphany. Single sheet of Gampi paper, no cutting or glue. Wet folding was used for the coma of the Stars of Bethleh...
Happy New Year 2018! This is the first fold of my recent idea for making pixel tessellations, called Butterfly Pixel Tessellation. The molecule is basically ...
Nativity — origami tessellation folded from a single square of Tant paper. Merry Christmas!
Here is a slightly simplified version of my Shamrock Box. The original was based on a molecule which can easily be tessellated. However, with a single molecu...
Here is a fully simplified version of my Shamrock Box. The original was based on a molecule which can easily be tessellated. However, with a single molecule ...
This picture shows a comparison of two variants of Simplified Shamrock Box: Simplified Shamrock Box (on the left) Slightly Simplified Shamrock Box (on the ri...
An origami tessellation for Maundy Thursday and Easter.
Box with a single molecule of my Shamrock Tessellation. Folded from 16×16 grid, of which the molecule consumes 12×12.
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, here’s a tessellation with a beer tankard and shamrocks. Each of these molecules can also be tessellated independently of the...
I was inspired by this model by Matthew Green to also design a model for St. Patrick’s Day. A bigger model is coming up, which I hope to finish on time, but ...
I wanted to try something new this year, so I folded this model from thin parchment paper whereas most of the time I use much thicker papers. Modern parchmen...
A tessellation which fills the plane with cute little hedgehogs. Hedgehog design is a modified version of Pureland Hedgehog by Sebastien Limet. Folded from c...
Model designed on my plane back from UK which I visited just days after the Brexit vote. The British Flag itself can be used as a tessellation molecule and t...
A small tessellated version of Meenakshi Mukerji’s Tulip, originally designed as a modular origami unit. Tant paper with acrylic paint.
Origami picture frame with two little hedgehogs on the bottom bar. The frame is based on this design. The hedgehogs are a prototype of what later became Hedg...
I designed this box during the annual meeting of Polish Meteoritical Society (meteorites are one of my hobbies alongside origami).
I derived the Nomad Camp Tessellation from my Dancing Squares Tessellation.
Floppy disks are pretty much obsolete by now but there was a time when they were state-of-the-art in personal computer storage, and they live on in the Save ...
A brain in a vat is a thought experiment related to consciousness and the perception of reality which has, in one form or another, interested people ranging ...
This tessellation is based on a 128×92 grid. Image is created from a four-sink-base tessellation by folding up some of the squares’ corners. While I’ve seen ...