…/2npkXwS …/CeSqScYKw71/ …/524660639388816 …/1532236199573835776
Folding instructions: Apple (CFW 202)
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Kami (duo-color light and dark green)
Type: color-change, figurative single-sheet, food, other plant (implies: figurative, living thing, plant, single-sheet)
Author: Shuzo Fujimoto
Colors: green

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Shuzo Fujimoto’s Apple is one of his best-known designs. Though one of his relatively few figurative models, structurally it is deeply geometric, being based on an icosahedron. Representing a smooth, rounded object this faithfully was quite an achievement at the time. The bottom part (hidden from view) uses a very smart solution to lock the model, give it a rounded look, and a stable base for it to stand on at the same time, and is quite similar to those used in Fujimoto’s boxes.


