
Models of this type are also automatically listed in: figurative

Models of various foods.

This page lists models of a single type. You might be interested in folding instructions instead.
Candy (CFW 289)

Candy (CFW 289)

A little-known area of Shuzo Fujimoto’s origami designs are his corrugations. He published several dozen designs, based both on square and triangle grid, lon...

Apple (CFW 202)

Apple (CFW 202)

Shuzo Fujimoto’s Apple is one of his best-known designs. Though one of his relatively few figurative models, structurally it is deeply geometric, being based...

Easter Egg

Easter Egg

Decorating Easter Eggs is a popular Easter tradition in Poland, Ukraine, and other Slavic countries. This one is folded from a single sheet of paper rather t...



Another shaping variant of Ice Cream model, this time resembling a carrot. Using white+green color combination instead of orange+green will get you parsley i...

Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Ice cream, own design. This model can be folded from regular Kami, but I think it looks best when wet-folded from thick watercolor paper. Here, one side of t...