Model …/VQk95h …/856873584478491 …/882467314846887936
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Tant, Tissue, Unryu (three-layer paper)
Type: other abstract single-sheet, color-change, IT-related, logo (implies: abstract single-sheet, abstract, figurative, geometric, single-sheet, symbol)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: blue, orange
In albums: Showcase, Simple models

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Kotlin is a programming language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which is gaining in popularity. Having used it for some time, I’m quite happy about the results and I held a Kotlin birds-of-a-feather session at the recent Devoxx.PL conference in Kraków, Poland.

Since the logo is quite simple and based on geometric shapes representing just the letter K, I couldn’t resist trying to design it in origami. Lacking duo paper with the right colors, I used a three-layer sandwich paper (Tant-tissue-Unryu).

Later, I also designed a Kotlinconf Logo in origami.

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