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Folding instructions: Building Block Units
Related posts: Introducing Building Block Units
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: metallic paper (very thin for metallic paper, just 80 gsm; paper used metallic side down)
Type: architecture, figurative modular, religious (implies: figurative, modular, multi-sheet)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Units used: Building Block Units, by: Michał Kosmulski
Unit count: 313
Colors: brown and beige
In albums: Showcase, Modular ④ – huge number of units

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Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This model does not represent any actual church. Instead, it freely mixes elements typically found in small churches (rectangular floor plan without transept as well as general proportions) and in larger ones (triple portals, rose windows).

Made from my BBU (Building Block Unit) (313 modules: 210 × A1, 51 × A2, 6 × B1, 6 × Q2, 4 × B5, 4 × Q1, 4 × Q4, 4 × Q3, 4 × P8, 4 × P9, 3 × P7, 2 × Q6, 2 × P6, 2 × P3, 1 × P2, 1 x P1, 1 × Q5, 1 × Q17, 1 × Q15, 1 × D13, 1 × D14).

