
More restrictive types: abstract corrugation-tessellation, classic tessellation, origami chain, abstract periodic tessellation, periodic figurative tessellation, periodic metaorigami tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, recursive and periodic tessellations

This type is for models whose subject matter involves patterns and repetition.

This page lists folding instructions for models of a single type. You might be interested in the models themselves instead.
Tessellated Thorn (CFW 86)

Tessellated Thorn (CFW 86)

You can fold this tessellation based on instructions for an individual star. The way of connecting molecules and the precreas...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 114)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 114)

This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 123)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 123)

Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...



Instructions for the model were published in Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2024 (German convention book), pages 120-123.

Tessellated Petals (CFW 85)

Tessellated Petals (CFW 85)

You can fold this tessellation based on instructions for an individual star. As in Tessellation, you have to add tria...

Hydrangea Plaque (CFW 49)

Hydrangea Plaque (CFW 49)

Instructions for this variant can be found in: Hydrangea folding (あじさい折りおりがみ) by Shuzo Fujimoto (posth.), ISBN 97844166172...

Woven Square Tessellation

Woven Square Tessellation

In order to fold this model, pelase refer to the instructions for Woven Square Box. You can also follow the instructions for ...

Iso-Area Stars (CFW 291)

Iso-Area Stars (CFW 291)

Images of finished model in back-light (without any actual instructions apart from the possib...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 92)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 92)

Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...

Box with Woven Triangles XIX

Box with Woven Triangles XIX

A crease pattern for this model was published in CDO Convention Book 2023 (Convention Book of Italian Origami Convention).

Windmill (CFW 84)

Windmill (CFW 84)

In Print Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Orig...

Hemp Leaf (CFW 88)

Hemp Leaf (CFW 88)

Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...

Square Spaceness

Square Spaceness

You can find a link to a PDF with the crease pattern for this model at the end of Alessandra’s interview for THe Fold.

Handle with Thorn (CFW 135)

Handle with Thorn (CFW 135)

This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence as the possibility of combining...

Petals (CFW 85)

Petals (CFW 85)

Instructions for the model were published in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page...

Skeleton (4) (CFW 234)

Skeleton (4) (CFW 234)

Instructions for this design can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, pages 42 and 44 Twist Folds, ISBN...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 106)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 106)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Tessellation (CFW 335)

Tessellation (CFW 335)

There are no printed instructions for this model that I’m aware of, but the structure is quite simple: the tessellation consi...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 93)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 93)

Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book Twist Origami I, on page 8 ...

Well I

Well I

Front Back A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern wer...



A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern were published in 19th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2023) Convention Book ...

Box with Woven Triangles VIII

Box with Woven Triangles VIII

A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern were published in 19th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2023) Convention Book ...

Thorn (CFW 86)

Thorn (CFW 86)

Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...

Tessellation Triste

Tessellation Triste

Crease pattern and a phototutorial were published in Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2023 (Ge...

Handle (CFW 133)

Handle (CFW 133)

Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, pages...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 110)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 110)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Translucent Design (CFW 55)

Translucent Design (CFW 55)

Images of finished model in back-light (without any actual instructions apart from the possib...

John Lackland Tessellation

John Lackland Tessellation

Since folduction seems to have designed the same tessellation independently (under the name of Flowers in the Square), you ca...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 91)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 91)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 103)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 103)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Seal of a Secret Society

Seal of a Secret Society

The phototutorial below starts from a hexagon with an 8×8×8 grid. Folded this way, the model has several unnecessary creases ...

Stars and Triangles (CFW 56)

Stars and Triangles (CFW 56)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only as pictures of the finished model...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 122)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 122)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 104)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 104)

Hints This model is the same as a level-2 Lucky Star Fractal except it is folded starting fro...

Iso-Area Square Twists (CFW 66)

Iso-Area Square Twists (CFW 66)

Crease Pattern The Crease Pattern for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Invitation to Creative Playing wi... Tessellation (CFW 61) Tessellation (CFW 61)

Instructions for this tessellation can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, pages 26-27: basic step-by-st...

Windmill from Square (CFW 81)

Windmill from Square (CFW 81)

Step-by-step instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Ori...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 105)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 105)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...

Star Tessellation (CFW 59)

Star Tessellation (CFW 59)

Books Images of the finished model, shown in back-light, appeared in Fujimoto’s books (withou...

Hex Twist Star (CFW 90)

Hex Twist Star (CFW 90)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page 7 Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami, ...

Scissors (CFW 87)

Scissors (CFW 87)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but it’s just pictures of finished model and information about the startin...

Square Twist Star (CFW 150)

Square Twist Star (CFW 150)

This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but it’s just pictures of finished model a...

Hydrangea Basic Form A variant 1

Hydrangea Basic Form A variant 1

In print Instructions for this variant can be found in: Hydrangea folding (あじさい折りおりがみ) by Shuzo Fujimoto (posth.), ISBN 97...

Whirlwind Tessellation

Whirlwind Tessellation

Whirlwind Tessellation A box decorated with a molecule of Whirlwind Tessell...

Hydrangea Tessellation

Hydrangea Tessellation

You can fold this tessellation based on instructions for folding a single molecule. There is also a video tutorial by Sara Ad...

Shifted Bricks

Shifted Bricks

Instructions There are two main ways of folding this model. When folding from a grid, one can...

Box with Woven Triangles IV

Box with Woven Triangles IV

Precreased sheet Instructions for the model were published in The Fold (Issue 66,...



Miura-Ori, also known by the names Herringbone Tessellation and Zig-Zag Corrugation, is one of the best known origami corruga...

Big and Small Squares

Big and Small Squares

A CP was published in BOS Magazine #321 (published by the British Origami Society), page 12. It also appeared in Konvensi Ori...



For this model, only a picture of a hand-drawn crude CP which...

Box with Woven Triangles I

Box with Woven Triangles I

Below you can find a precrease pattern and a photo tutorial of the collapse (for a clean fold). The model is designed around ...

Box with Woven Triangles VII

Box with Woven Triangles VII

Below you can find a precrease pattern and pictures of the collapse. This sequence shows the clean precrease which you get wi...

Monument Valley Corrugation

Monument Valley Corrugation

A crease pattern was published in CDO Convention Book 2018 (Convention Book of Italian Origami Convention).

Woven Rhombi

Woven Rhombi

In Origami Pass app Instructions for this model (CP and phototutorial) are available via Origami Pass.

Sunflower Tessellation

Sunflower Tessellation

A crease pattern was published in Origami Box of the Ultimate Origami Convention 2017.

Radioactive Tessellation

Radioactive Tessellation

Instructions for this model are available in GGO Stay at Home and Fold Origami PDF (page 92).

Pajarita Tessellation

Pajarita Tessellation

Instructions were published in MFPP 2019 Convention Book and SBO (Bolivia) 2019 Convention Book.



You can find folding instructions for the Hydrangea (including a number of variants) in Fujim...

Crowding Butterflies

Crowding Butterflies

Precreased sheet There is a video tutorial (Part 1, Part 2) for this model, made ...

Clover Folding

Clover Folding

There is a video tutorial about Clover Folding, made by Sara Adams.

Clematis Tessellation

Clematis Tessellation

This is a relatively simple tessellation which should be suitable even for beginners. Despite the simplicity, with a bit of shaping, it can look quite nice.

Woven Triangles Tessellation I

Woven Triangles Tessellation I

Crease patterns are available as a single PNG image. Apart from the CP of a single molecule, it also shows the two main layouts: the symmetric one with two m...

Houstonia Box

Houstonia Box

Instructions for my Houstonia Box were published as part of my Interview for The Fold.

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Instructions for the model (CP and pictures of collapse) were published in: 18th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2019) Convention...

Lucky Star Tessellation

Lucky Star Tessellation

In order to fold this model, you can follow, with minor modification, instructions for the fr...

Hydrangea Icosahedron

Hydrangea Icosahedron

For folding Hydrangea Icosahedron (and many other shapes as well), you can just follow the instructions for Hydrangeaa Cube, ...

Hydrangea Cube

Hydrangea Cube

The idea of connecting several Hydrangeas occurred independently to me and earlier to Meenakshi Mukerji. If you do not yet kn...

Shark Teeth Corrugation

Shark Teeth Corrugation

The second image shows the three steps used for constructing the pre-crease pattern for my Sh...

Clover Folding Lookalike

Clover Folding Lookalike

Clover Folding Lookalike looks very similar to Fujimoto’s Clover Folding but has a significantly different structure.

Metal Star

Metal Star

Instructions were published in the 14th Bulletin of Polish Origami Society (2016), page 60.

Union Jack Tessellation

Union Jack Tessellation

Instructions for the model were published in the BOS Convention Book 2017 (50th anniversary convention of British Origami Soc...

Stars and Squares Tessellation

Stars and Squares Tessellation

In print Pictures of this design can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami (創造する折り紙遊びへの招待)...

Square Interlace Box

Square Interlace Box

General This model is based around Square Interlace Tessellation so you can use instructions ...

Celtic Cross Tessellation

Celtic Cross Tessellation

You can fold this design based on instructions for the Celtic Cross model. Use that model’s CP and just extract the top part ...

Chevron Corrugation

Chevron Corrugation

My instructions Instructions are available as a single PNG image: PNG

Square Interlace Tessellation

Square Interlace Tessellation

This tessellation is closely related to my Propellers Tessellation and you get the latter as ...

Cluster Tessellation

Cluster Tessellation

You can find the CP and basic folding instructions in the files linked below. Several variants of this tessellation are possi...

Propellers Tessellation

Propellers Tessellation

A crease pattern and basic collapse instructions for my Propellers Tessellation were published in The Fold (membership requir...

Square Pixel Tessellation

Square Pixel Tessellation

This tessellation can be used for creating pixel images representing arbitrary pictures.

Möbius Strip IV (CLU)

Möbius Strip IV (CLU)

To fold this model, use a strip with about 1:15 proportions and fold notches according to CLU instructions. Make two notches ...

Sprout Tessellation

Sprout Tessellation

You can find the CP and basic folding instructions in the files linked below.

Squares and Crosses Tessellation

Squares and Crosses Tessellation

This tessellation is closely related to Ninja Star Tessellation and you get the latter as one of the intermediate steps when ...

Grating Tessellation

Grating Tessellation

There is a videotutorial by Paper Kawaii, showing practically the same model as mine. Compared to the video, my model uses a ...

Bed of Nails Tessellation

Bed of Nails Tessellation

A Crease Pattern was published in Techno Origami, book of 15th Origami Outdoor Meeting.