Model details: Tessellated Bracelet (Square Interlace Tessellation) (by: Michał Kosmulski)

Model types: classic tessellation, single-sheet origami-first design, origami jewelry
Location: on other website
Type: Folding tips, Videotutorial

Bracelet with Square Interlace Tessellation (Michał Kosmulski)

This model is based around Square Interlace Tessellation so you can use instructions for that model as a starting point.


Sara Adams prepared a videotutorial on folding this tessellation specifically in bracelet form.

Folding tips

If you fold from thick paper, such as Elephant Hide, you can use wet folding to shape the model better. After gently dampening the folded strip and closing the ring, you can wrap it around a clean glass jar of matching diameter and fasten the model in place with rubber bands. As the bracelet dries, it will match the shape of the jar’s walls. This method makes it possible to make the bracelet much rounder and smoother than conventional dry shaping.

