
Videotutorials (origami instructions in the form of video) are becoming more and more popular. While I personally prefer diagrams for most types of origami, for some genres, such as tessellations, I think they are very useful, especially for folders with little prior experience in the genre.

Flapping Bird

Flapping Bird

Instructions for the model can be found in many places around the internet, for example in these diagrams or in this video.

Traditional Jumping Frog

Traditional Jumping Frog

Instructions can be found in the form of diagrams and as videos. There are many similar designs that mostly differ by how the...

Traditional Bracelet with Squares

Traditional Bracelet with Squares

In print I learned this model from the book Sztuka origami by Renzo Zanoni (published 1992, ISBN 83-85330-17-8), page 28. Thi...

Coffee Cup (CFW 200)

Coffee Cup (CFW 200)

Instructions for the model were published in Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, page 22 Twist Folds, Shuzo Fujimoto, IS...



Instructions for the model were published in a number of Kawahata’s books and in some origami convention booklets. There is a...

Pocket Heart

Pocket Heart

As Michel Grand pointed out, a number of people have folded a model almost identical to Pocket Heart before me. You can use a...

John Lackland Tessellation

John Lackland Tessellation

Since folduction seems to have designed the same tessellation independently (under the name of Flowers in the Square), you ca...

Apple (CFW 202)

Apple (CFW 202)

Instructions for the model were published in many books by Shuzo Fujimoto, and magazines, including: Twist Origami II, pag...

Traditional Ninja Star

Traditional Ninja Star

This being a traditional model, you can find instructions for folding it in many books and lots of places online. The diagram...

Fujimoto Cube

Fujimoto Cube

Instructions for the model were published in many books and magazines, including: Invitation to Creative Playing with Orig...

Hypar (Hyperbolic Paraboloid)

Hypar (Hyperbolic Paraboloid)

Instructions Step-by-step instructions can be found in the Bauhaus Foundation Course instructional booklet by Eric Gjerde, an...



Miura-Ori, also known by the names Herringbone Tessellation and Zig-Zag Corrugation, is one of the best known origami corruga...

Ladybug 1.1

Ladybug 1.1

There is a videotutorial by Sara Adams for this model as well as a timelapse of the folding without additional instructions.

Dollar Bill Hare

Dollar Bill Hare

There is a phototutorial for the model, published by the author. A number of videotutorials are also available, for example t...



You can find folding instructions for the Hydrangea (including a number of variants) in Fujim...

Crowding Butterflies

Crowding Butterflies

Precreased sheet There is a video tutorial (Part 1, Part 2) for this model, made ...

Clover Folding

Clover Folding

There is a video tutorial about Clover Folding, made by Sara Adams.

Square Interlace Box

Square Interlace Box

General This model is based around Square Interlace Tessellation so you can use instructions ...

Lelum Polelum Unit

Lelum Polelum Unit

Instructions for this model are available in the form of a videotutorial.

Square Interlace Tessellation

Square Interlace Tessellation

This tessellation is closely related to my Propellers Tessellation and you get the latter as ...



Instructions for this dog model are available in the form of a video tutorial made by Leyla Torres.

Grating Tessellation

Grating Tessellation

There is a videotutorial by Paper Kawaii, showing practically the same model as mine. Compared to the video, my model uses a ...

Bascetta Star Unit

Bascetta Star Unit

Diagrams for the Bascetta Star (which obviously also include instructions for folding the units) can be found on the author’s page.

That Simple Unit (TSU)

That Simple Unit (TSU)

Instructions for folding this unit are available from the Web Archive. There is also a videotutorial but quality isn’t the be...

Sonobe unit

Sonobe unit

This page contains links to instructions for the classical Sonobe module. There also exist literally hundreds of variants: those have their separate pages on...