Butterfly for Eric Joisel
Instructions for the model were published online, as well as in Michael LaFosse’s Origami Butterflies by Michael G. LaFosse a...
Folding instructions you can find in print media (books, convention booklets, etc.).
Instructions for the model were published online, as well as in Michael LaFosse’s Origami Butterflies by Michael G. LaFosse a...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...
Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books in the form of crease patterns: Solid Origami, page 4...
This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence...
Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...
Instructions for the model were published in Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2024 (German convention book), pages 120-123.
Instructions for this model were published in Fujimoto’s book, Solid Origami, page 3.
Instructions for this variant can be found in: Hydrangea folding (あじさい折りおりがみ) by Shuzo Fujimoto (posth.), ISBN 97844166172...
Instructions for the model were published in Artur Biernacki’s book, Polish your Origami, pages 23-28.
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Solid Origami, page 43 (CP) Invitation to Creative P...
Instructions for this model were published in Fujimoto’s book, Twist Origami I, on page 25 (m...
Instructions for the model can be found in Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page 67 Invitation to Creative Playing wit...
In print I learned this model from the book Sztuka origami by Renzo Zanoni (published 1992, ISBN 83-85330-17-8), page 28. Thi...
Images of finished model in back-light (without any actual instructions apart from the possib...
Instructions for this model can be found in Fujimoto’s book, Twist Origami III, on page 45. I...
Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...
Instructions for the model were published in Fujimoto’s Twist Folds, ISBN 9784416312001, front cover and page 18 (picture of ...
A crease pattern for this model was published in CDO Convention Book 2023 (Convention Book of Italian Origami Convention).
This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence...
In Print Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Orig...
Instructions for this model were published in Shuzo Fujimotos’s books: Twist Origami I, pa...
Instructions for the model were published in Fujimoto’s book, Twist Origami I, on page 32. Th...
This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence as the possibility of combining...
Instructions for the model were published in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page...
This model does even have a picture in Fujimoto’s books: it is only mentioned in one sentence...
Instructions for this design can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, pages 42 and 44 Twist Folds, ISBN...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
Instructions for the model were published in Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, page 22 Twist Folds, Shuzo Fujimoto, IS...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book Twist Origami I, on page 47...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book Twist Origami I, on page 25...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book Twist Origami I, on page 8 ...
Front Back A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern wer...
Finished model Precreased sheet A phototutorial, crease pattern, and ...
Shamrock 1.1 Tessellation Shamrock 1.1 Box A phototutorial, crease pa...
A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern were published in 19th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2023) Convention Book ...
A phototutorial, crease pattern, and precrease pattern were published in 19th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2023) Convention Book ...
Instructions were published in the 20th Bulletin of Polish Origami Society (2023), page 23.
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book, Twist Folds, ISBN 97844163...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books. It is folded from a 2:1 rectangle, but instructions start...
Crease Pattern The Crease Pattern and pictures of finished model can be found in Shuzo Fujimo...
Instructions for this model appear in Shuzo Fujimoto’s Twist Folds (ISBN 9784416312001), on p...
Crease pattern, precrease pattern, and a phototutorial were published in Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2023 (German convent...
Crease pattern and a phototutorial were published in Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2023 (Ge...
Instructions were published in: Tagungsband Origami Deutschland 2023 (German convention book) — crease pattern, precrease ...
Crease pattern, precrease pattern, and a phototutorial on folding the box to match the size of a given box lid were published...
Crease pattern, precrease pattern, and a phototutorial were published in Tagungsband Origami ...
Instructions for the model were published in a number of Kawahata’s books and in some origami convention booklets. There is a...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s book Twist Origami I, on page 24...
Instructions for this model can be found in various books by Shuzo Fujimoto, and in at least one magazine: Twist Origami I...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Solid Origami, pages 11 (folding instructions) and 104 (some kind of ma...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, page...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, pages...
As Michel Grand pointed out, a number of people have folded a model almost identical to Pocket Heart before me. You can use a...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s Twist Origami I, page 10 (labeled “No 37”), but o...
Images of finished model in back-light (without any actual instructions apart from the possib...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...
See the model’s page for a discussion of some discrepancies related to this model I noticed i...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
Instructions for this model (along with optional ribbon for a...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only as pictures of the finished model...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
Hints This model is the same as a level-2 Lucky Star Fractal except it is folded starting fro...
Instructions for this model were published Shuzo Fujimoto’s books listed below, though they a...
Crease Pattern The Crease Pattern for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Invitation to Creative Playing wi...
Instructions for this tessellation can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, pages 26-27: basic step-by-st...
Step-by-step instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Ori...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but only in the form of pictures of finish...
Books Images of the finished model, shown in back-light, appeared in Fujimoto’s books (withou...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page 7 Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami, ...
Crease Pattern Crease Patttern (CP) and Precrease Pattern (PreCP) can be found in my presenta...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but it’s just pictures of finished model and information about the startin...
Instructions for the model were published in many books by Shuzo Fujimoto, and magazines, including: Twist Origami II, pag...
Instructions for this model were published in Quadrato Magico #132, pages 43-48.
This model is folded from a bronze rectangle (1:√3). Instructions can be found in following books by Fujimoto, and start with...
This model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books, but it’s just pictures of finished model a...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Invitation to Creative...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami I, page ...
Instructions for this model can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s books: Solid Origami, page 11...
Instructions for this design can be found in Fujimoto’s books: Twist Origami II, page 21 ...
In print Instructions for this variant can be found in: Hydrangea folding (あじさい折りおりがみ) by Shuzo Fujimoto (posth.), ISBN 97...
Instructions for this model are added to 15 cm packs of Satogami paper. I’ve been using the paper for a few years now but onl...
Instructions for the model were published in Fujimoto’s books, Twist Origami II (page 52), and Twist Folding (page 56, additi...
In print A CP and phototutorial for this design were published in Convention Book of 32nd International Convention of Origami...
Instructions for this variant can be found in Hydrangea folding (あじさい折りおりがみ) by Shuzo Fujimoto (posth.), ISBN 9784416617274, ...
Instructions for the model were published in many books and magazines, including: Invitation to Creative Playing with Orig...
This model was independently designed by Sam Randlett, who used the name Chalice. You can find instructions for this model in...
A Crease Pattern along with some information about this model was published in The Paper #137 (available in print and online...
Instructions There are two main ways of folding this model. When folding from a grid, one can...
A CP was published in BOS Magazine #321 (published by the British Origami Society), page 12. It also appeared in Konvensi Ori...
A crease pattern for this model was published in PCOC 2021 Origami Collection, page 162.
Folding diagrams for this model were published in the 17th/18th Bulletin of Polish Origami Society (2021), page 33.
Below you can find instructio...
In print Folding diagrams for this model were published in: OrigamiUSA Model Collection 2020, page 100 Der Falter 74, pa...
A crease pattern was published in CDO Convention Book 2018 (Convention Book of Italian Origami Convention).
In Origami Pass app Instructions for this model (CP and phototutorial) are available via Origami Pass.
Instructions were published in Le Pli 149 (2/2018).
Free PDF Instructions for this model are available in GGO Stay at Home and Fold Origami PDF (page 98).
A crease pattern was published in Origami Box of the Ultimate Origami Convention 2017.
Modified version used as a modular
In Origami Pass app Instructions for this model are available via Origami Pass.
Instructions were published in MFPP 2019 Convention Book and SBO (Bolivia) 2019 Convention Book.
Instructions for this module were published in Tomoko Fuse’s books, Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations (page 56) and Unit Polyhedron Origami (pag...
You can find folding instructions for the Hydrangea (including a number of variants) in Fujim...
A CP was published in BOS Magazine #298 (published by the British Origami Society), page 4.
Instructions were published in Convention Book of 17th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2018).
Videotutorial Evan Zodl prepared a videotutorial for this model.
Instructions for the model were published in Tomoko Fuses’s book, Unit Polyhedron Origami, on page 92.
Precreased sheet There is a video tutorial (Part 1, Part 2) for this model, made ...
Sheet precreased for folding this model Instructions were published in Convention...
Instructions for the model (CP and pictures of collapse) were published in: 18th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2019) Convention...
Instructions are available in the 2018 edition of German Origami Convention book.
Instructions for Thoki Yenn’s original DNA model can be found in his Orikata book. I think there are also some tutorials on Y...
Diagrams for this model were published in BOS Magazine #234 (published by the British Origami Society), page 34.
Instructions were published in the 14th Bulletin of Polish Origami Society (2016), page 60.
Instructions for the model were published in the BOS Convention Book 2017 (50th anniversary convention of British Origami Soc...
In print Pictures of this design can be found in Shuzo Fujimoto’s Invitation to Creative Playing with Origami (創造する折り紙遊びへの招待)...
My instructions Instructions are available as a single PNG image: PNG
Instructions were published in 9th Bulletin of Polish Origami Society (page 38) and in Origami Tanteidan Convention book Vol....
As the name implies, in the center of the molecule is a Bird ...
Instructions for this model were published in OrigamiUSA Annual Collection 2002.
Instructions for the model were published in Artur Biernacki’s book, Polish your Origami, pages 45-51.
Instructions for the model were published in Artur Biernacki’s book, Polish your Origami, pages 83-92.
Instructions for the model were published in Artur Biernacki’s book, Polish your Origami, pages 9-13.
Introduction and folding instructions online and in print Robert J. Lang’s Makalu (Six Intersecting Pentagons) is an interest...
Super-Pineapple Tessellation is my extended (and much more complex) variant of Ilan Garibi’s Pineapple Tessellation.
A Crease Pattern was published in Techno Origami, book of 15th Origami Outdoor Meeting.
Woven Slit Module is an origami unit which can be used to build different kinds of modular assemblies, from simple cubes to more complex objects. They can we...
You can use this model to print your name on it (templates available below) and put it on your desk or for adding descriptions to your models at an origami c...
StEM is a very versatile module which can be used to make a number of very different objects. Three units can build a triangular 45-degree pyramid, so anythi...
SEU, the Simple Edge Unit is an edge unit with a 90° angle at the tip. It can be folded from paper of any proportions and it is quite versatile since with mi...
Instructions for this module were published in Tomoko Fuse’s book, Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations. There are two variants of this unit, I (bo...
Instructions for the model were published in Meenakshi Mukerji’s book, Marvelous Modular Origami, on page 54.
Instructions for the model were published in Meenakshi Mukerji’s book, Marvelous Modular Origami, on page 30.
Instructions for the model were published in Meenakshi Mukerji’s book, Marvelous Modular Origami, on page 18.
Instructions are available on author’s website.
Online and in print