Model details: Triangle Twist Star (CFW 147) (by: Shuzo Fujimoto, traditional model)

Model types: single-sheet stars
Location: on other website, in print media
Type: Crease Pattern, Folding tips

Triangle Twist Star, CFW 147 (Shuzo Fujimoto), front
Triangle Twist Star, CFW 147 (Shuzo Fujimoto), back

Instructions for this model were published Shuzo Fujimoto’s books listed below, though they are limited to just the initial twist and pictures of the finished star. Due to the model’s simplicity, reverse-engineering this model based on the pictures of finished model and the knowledge it starts from a triangle twist on a triangle should not be difficult:

This model was also published earlier in Le journal de classe, by Gustave Ducoudray in May 1892 (page 15).

