Icosahedron (Semi-Sonobe Variant B)
This model is folded in blue and yellow, the national colors of Ukraine. Three years into a terrible invasion by Russia, the people of Ukraine continue to re...
Models representing all sorts of stellated polyhedra and other things that look like balls covered with spikes.
This model is folded in blue and yellow, the national colors of Ukraine. Three years into a terrible invasion by Russia, the people of Ukraine continue to re...
A spiky ball (structurally, an icosahedron), folded from my recent module, Semi-Sonobe.
A spiked icosahedron made from my Weird Asymmetric Sonobe (WASS) unit variant with color change. Since the color change’s symmetry is not aligned with the sy...
Comparison of three related Sonobe variants of mine, from left to right: Paper Airplane Sonobe, Checkered Sonobe, and Bow-Tie Sonobe. Each icosahedron is fol...
Spiked icosahedron, folded from my Checkered Sonobe units.
A spiked icosahedron made from Weird Asymmetric Sonobe (WASS) units.
Spiked icosahedron, folded from my Bow-Tie Sonobe units (also independently designed by tomoko07011209 around the same time).
Spiked Icosahedron made from my new Sonobe variant, Paper Airplane Sonobe. When you look at an individual unit before assembling the model, you can spot a re...
Aton Kusudama, variant A (many more are possible). Spiked icosahedron made from 30 units. Designed and folded by me. More variants are possible, some with in...
This kusudama is a refold of an old spiked icosahedron model of mine with nicer paper. It’s a modular design which uses 30 units.
Spiked octahedron made from my Woven Slit Module (WSM), 48 units from 3:1 paper.
After I made a Hydrangea Cube, Hydrangea Icosahedron was the next logical step. Just as in the cube, the Hydrangea Tessellation by Shuzo Fujimoto is used as ...
Named after a poem, this model is — strictly speaking — just a spiked icosahedron.
The structure of this model is similar to spiked icosahedra made with variants of the Sonobe unit and other similar modules. However, in the case of BBU, a t...
Compare with the same solid folded from standard Sonobe units.
In this model, each face of an icosahedron was replaced with a triangular pyramid made from three units.
The unit is a variant of an edge unit; I call usage like this the “face variant” since the unit covers a face rather than an edge of the solid. When I invent...
This model demonstrates the rotated link connection method that can be applied to SEU units folded from square paper, which can be considered a Sonobe varian...
This model demonstrates the Sonobe link connection method that can be applied to SEU units folded from square paper, which can be considered a Sonobe variant...
This model demonstrates the reversed SEU link connection method that can be applied to SEU units folded from square paper, which can be considered a Sonobe v...
This model demonstrates the SEU link connection method that can be applied to SEU units folded from square paper, which can be considered a Sonobe variant. T...
See also the same design with different coloring.
Model folded from a unit I made specially for this purpose.
I designed the simple unit used for this model and later learned that it had been already published before by Jose Arley Moreno.
I think this is my first Sonobe variant. Since it’s one of the simplest modifications possible, it has probably been independently discovered by many others.
See also: icosahedron from same units but pointed inwards.
There is one spike placed over two adjacent faces of the pentakisdodecahedron in this model. I haven’t checked if the angles actually add up, so it might be ...
Apart from this basic version, I also made a variant of this model which has additional “fins” on the icosahedron’s edges.
One way of looking at this model is to see it as an icosahedron with a pyramid placed on each triangular face. Another is seeing it as a dodecahedron where e...
This model is similar to the spiked icosahedron, but apart from the spikes on all faces, the icosahedron also has “fins” placed on its edges.
See also the same design with different coloring.