Adjustable Cube
Folding instructions: Woven Slit Module
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Kraft (4:1 ratio)
Type: action origami, modular cubes and cuboids
(implies: abstract modular, abstract, balls and polyhedra, cubes and cuboids, geometric, mathematical object, modular, multi-sheet)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Units used: Woven Slit Module,
by: Michał Kosmulski
(slits inside)
Unit count: 36
Colors: red
In albums: Modular ② — medium number of units
This cube is a mechanical toy. Its size can be adjusted: the cube can grow or shrink by a factor of about two. It starts out as a cube with a pattern resembling a Jerusalem cross on each face. Units can then slide within each other so that the cube changes its size without any units needing to be disassembled.