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Folding instructions: Chevron Corrugation
This is the primary page for this model.
Other folds and variants: Chevron Corrugation (iso-area), Chevron Corrugation (UD-DU), Heptagonal Star Box (Chevron Corrugation), Chevron Corrugation (UUDD-DDUU), Chevron Corrugation (UD-UU-DU-DD)
Paper: Khepera
Type: abstract corrugation-tessellation (implies: abstract corrugation, abstract tessellation, abstract, corrugation, geometric, pattern, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Charles Hoberman, Daniel Kwan, Michał Kosmulski, Ron Resch, Shuzo Fujimoto (independent design)
Colors: brown and beige
In albums: Models with 3D anaglyphs, Chevron Corrugation Family, Models designed by me and by others

Close-up 3D anaglyph of close-up Top-down view of whole model, front General view, back Front Back
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Corrugation, designed and folded by me, but later I learned that Daniel Kwan folded this pattern before, inspired by a similar model by Charles Hoberman (details here). Daniel Kwan pointed me to very interesting patent of Hoberman’s which includes pictures of the corrugation, adapted for folding from thick materials.

Even later, I found a model almost identical to the iso-area version (just the angles seem a bit different) in the Paper and Stick movie by Ron Resch which shows models designed in 1960-66.

This exact pattern (except for being based on 30° rather than 22.5° angles) was also developed by Shuzo Fujimoto. It is CFW 380 — see instructions for exact coordinates for finding it in his books.

Naming different variants

All the different variants of this corrugation consist of rows of chevrons, some of which may be pointing up while others are pointing down. I mark these cases as U and D, respectively, and a dash means moving to the next row. The sequence which describes the plain, non-iso-area variant shown here is simply U. The original iso-area variant can be described as UU-DD, and there are more possibilities such as UD-DU in whose case the 2×2 “supermolecule” marked by the combination of Us and Ds describes the whole pattern, which can be tessellated indefinitely.


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