…/2piEUe8 …/C0Zc21sN252/ …/?fbid=825447439535692 …/1730106395280675031
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
Related posts: Origami Connect Workshop — Geometric Vase and Other Models
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Tant
Type: modular cubes and cuboids, single unit (implies: abstract modular, abstract, balls and polyhedra, cubes and cuboids, geometric, mathematical object, modular, multi-sheet, single-sheet)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Units used: Two-Unit Cube III (current page), by: Michał Kosmulski
Unit count: 2
Colors: green
In albums: Showcase, Simple models, Modular ① – few units

Top and sides visible Bottom visible, revealing how the units are connected
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Yet another approach to making a cube from two identical units. This design is paper-effective, and looks very clean from the top and the sides. Looking at the bottom reveals most of the seams and shows how the two units are connected. This design has quite low symmetry for a cube, and even though it is quite sturdy, it makes very poor dice since it is not weighted symmetrically.

