…/2nYxfK2 …/Ck0OLKDq_g8/ …/pfbid0GqqDWsKetsWjX9ifcZRzNqe7cxEvgzk9CZDSwof2zAGhT7gaCdEaqnEPZByRuow1l …/1591002524663701504
No folding instructions for this model are listed on my page.
Main model description: Hedgehog Star III
Paper: Kami (duo red and white)
Type: color-change, modular stars (implies: abstract modular, abstract, geometric, modular, multi-sheet, star, symbol)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Unit count: 12
Colors: red, white
In albums: Showcase, Modular ① – few units

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Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Since today is Polish Independence Day, I’m publishing a picture of my Hedgehog Star III folded in Polish national colors. This work uses a proper color change, i.e. each module is folded from a duo-color sheet and the final pattern of two colors is a result of elements of one side or the other being visible. In this arrangement, every other unit has its two sides reversed, resulting in a highly symmetric pattern. The back side looks the same except the colors are in negative: red is replaced by white and white by red compared to the front. I call such designs iso-area stars. Each unit is folded from an equilateral triangle.

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