
Models of this type are also automatically listed in: geometric
More restrictive types: single-sheet metaorigami, metaorigami tessellation, periodic metaorigami tessellation

Metaorigami is a term I coined in order to describe origami models whose subject is another origami model. Some examples could be a tessellation which represents a paper boat or a single-sheet model which incorporates the traditional crane. I believe meta-origami should be treated as a separate subject category which is neither figurative nor abstract. It’s not abstract since it does represent something more tangible than e.g. some abstract mathematical object. On the other hand, it’s also hard to treat them as figurative in the same sense as e.g. animal models. In a way, each origami model could be considered metaorigami representing itself, but since that would not be very useful, I’ll limit this term only to the non-trivial case of origami model representing other models.

This page lists models of a single type. You might be interested in folding instructions instead.
Tea Tag Boat

Tea Tag Boat

Yet another way to fold your tea tag, this time producing a design similar to the traditional paper boat. Proportions are different (depending on those of th...

Winter Cap with Crane

Winter Cap with Crane

This winter hat features a crane on the forehead and color-change “fur” around the face. You can tie the side panels below the chin, ushanka-style, or leave ...

Monument to the Crane

Monument to the Crane

This is my design for a monument to the traditional origami crane. I envision it executed in grand size, standing on a public square or in front of an origam...

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Souvenir of the Sea (Box)

Making a tessellation representing boats on the sea had been on my mind for quite some time when I finally came up with this design. It represents not just a...

Box with Pajarita (color change)

Box with Pajarita (color change)

A color-change version of my Box with Pajarita v. 1.1. In contrast to folds using harmony paper, here the different color of the Pajarita is the result of an...

Box with Pajarita 1.1

Box with Pajarita 1.1

This is version 1.1 of my Box with Pajarita. In this improved version, I took advantage of the fact that the box only has one molecule, and so I could get ri...

Box with Pajarita

Box with Pajarita

Box with a single molecule of my Pajarita Tessellation. Folded from Harmony paper which allowed the Pajarita to better stand out from the background.

Pajarita Tessellation

Pajarita Tessellation

The Pajarita is a classical origami model which seems to be especially beloved in the Spanish-speaking parts of the world. In this tessellation, I place litt...