Pajarita Tessellation
Instructions were published in MFPP 2019 Convention Book and SBO (Bolivia) 2019 Convention Book.
Metaorigami is a term I coined in order to describe origami models whose subject is another origami model. Some examples could be a tessellation which represents a paper boat or a single-sheet model which incorporates the traditional crane. I believe meta-origami should be treated as a separate subject category which is neither figurative nor abstract. It’s not abstract since it does represent something more tangible than e.g. some abstract mathematical object. On the other hand, it’s also hard to treat them as figurative in the same sense as e.g. animal models. In a way, each origami model could be considered metaorigami representing itself, but since that would not be very useful, I’ll limit this term only to the non-trivial case of origami model representing other models.
Instructions were published in MFPP 2019 Convention Book and SBO (Bolivia) 2019 Convention Book.
Instructions for the model (CP and pictures of collapse) were published in: 18th Outdoor Origami Meeting (2019) Convention...