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Folding instructions: Twisted Bird Base Tessellation
Main model description: Twisted Bird Base Tessellation (with molecule examples)
Other folds and variants: Box with Twisted Bird Base Tessellation Molecule
Paper: Elephant Hide
Type: classic tessellation (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: brown and beige
In albums: Tessellation Examples

Front Angled view Angled view close-up Single molecule
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This origami model consists of the simplest molecules of my Twisted Bird Base Tessellation. Each molecule is basically a bird base with the central part raised and twisted for a nicer shape. Apart from the simple molecule used here, many other variants are possible, some of which are shown in this model.

Collapse is a bit challenging because multiple points on the creased sheet of paper must meet at a single point in the collapsed pattern.

A generalization of this molecule is the Twisted Bird Base Fractal.

