…/2pcMxyt …/CzQcVm5uKmW/ …/photo?fbid=811106007636502 …/1721075380662972652
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Paper: Hand-Made Paper (from John Gerard)
Type: classic tessellation (implies: abstract tessellation, abstract, geometric, pattern, abstract periodic tessellation, non-recursive periodic tessellation, periodic tessellation, tessellation)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: green
In albums: Showcase, Tessellation Examples

Front Back
Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

This design is a modification of Triangles so that the tessellation becomes flagstone. At first glance, this change is more visible on the back side than on the front. Folded from a sheet of handmade paper from John Gerard paper studio.

