Triangles (16×16 grid)

This origami tessellation is derived from my earlier Parallelograms Tessellation. By piecing together two symmetric “halves” of a parallelogram, we end up with a triangle. This relation may be even more pronounced when comparing the back sides of these two designs.
Since this tessellation lacks the vertical shift between molecules that Parallelograms have, it was much easier to collapse, and a clean precrease was possible. Each triangle takes 8×6 grid units. The model shown here is based around a 16×16 grid: actually it should use 16×18 since there are three rows of triangles, but since the lowest two grid units are used for connecting to the next row of molecules, we can skip them when folding the last row.
Based on pre-creasing this particular sheet, I wrote down a few notes on clean precreasing since I think it is an important element of my folding style.