…/2kBxXfY …/CLRAJUqJNGW/ …/212500183938198 …/1360866029967204353
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Paper: Kami
Type: color-change, heart, single-sheet origami-first design, origami jewelry (implies: abstract, geometric, origami-first design, single-sheet, symbol)
Author: Michał Kosmulski
Colors: red, white
In albums: Simple models

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

I designed this simple bracelet with hearts based on a traditional bracelet that has a decoration of squares (check out a comparison of these models).

ince the change is very simple, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else had had the same idea independently. You can easily vary the number of hearts on the bracelet at the cost of how broad the bracelet is.

