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Folding instructions: Traditional Bracelet with Squares
This is the primary page for this model.
Paper: Kami
Type: color-change, single-sheet origami-first design, origami jewelry (implies: geometric, origami-first design, single-sheet)
Author: traditional model
Colors: red, white

Images are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

A traditional bracelet decorated with a pattern of squares formed by color change. This model is very simple to fold, and depending on the number of iterations you fold, you can get a broader bracelet with fewer large squares, or a narrow one with many small squares. I find this model really nice, which, combined with its simplicity, makes it a great model for teaching to newcomers. Surprisingly, I couldn’t find any pictures of this model online (perhaps it is known under a different name than I used to search), and using visual search I only found my own pictures and a tutorial on youtube.

